Sunday, October 18, 2009

3rd Annual Chapman Oktoberfest

Well folks... Oktoberfest 2009 was a success! We are officially recuperated... although for a moment today, I wasn't sure we'd make it.

In case you don't know this tradition: Since we've been married, Jeff and I have hosted an October Beer Tasting Party. The object is for everyone to find the most original beer they can (this can be tricky in Roanoke) and bring a six-pack to share, then we provide huge coolers, dixie cups, food, and prizes. Everyone samples all night and places a vote for the Best and Worst Beer and the winners are announced at 11:30.

Here are this year's winners:
Lauren with "Mississippi Mud" as the Best Beer in her 'Crown' and
Kathryn with "Hop Devil" as the Worst Beer in a Snuggie w/ a 24oz. (She kind-of looks like the Statue of Liberty doesn't she?)

NOTE: Approximately one hour later Kathryn could be found sitting in her snuggie in the kitchen drinking that beer and eating cheese slaw out of a mixing bowl while holding a small dog...

This year was quite a hit. Jeff and I estimate that we had about 60 "samplers" and definitely over 40 different types of beer. So fun. Our farthest guests came from Maryland -Maureen and Dave - and took their role as out-of-town beer conoseiurs very seriously... Although I believe Dave had his priorities a little mixed up when he wrote "I don't care, I just want to be in the blog" on his ballot. :) This was only second worst to the person who simply voted for ME as the worst beer. Hmm?

Anyways, we had a blast & love getting to have fun people in our home! Needless to say, today was spent cleaning up and putting my house back together. :) Back to the grind tomorrow! Thanks to all who participated -- we'll see you at the 4th Annual!


  1. Thank you for giving me a good hearty laugh on this rather blah Monday.( I think I'm still recuperating from the party.) You guys are such wonderful hosts. I'm glad a little vomit won't stop you from having it next year.

  2. AH! I told my parents to be ridiculous so they could make it on the blog! IT WORKED! Miss you E & Jeff!


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