Friday, August 27, 2010

Reason # TWO

... Why living in your hometown can be difficult.

Oh good grief... Remember this post? Well, it happened again.

Last night, I went to Zumba with my mom, sister, and Amanda.  It was excellent.  I wore cut-off sweatpants.  My bangs are inbetween lengths, so I used my natural body sweat to (beautifully) sweep them to the side of my face.  I looked great.  (Please note sarcasm here.)

After class, I (literally) walked across the street to my favorite Mexican restaurant to meet Jeff and his family for dinner.  *If you are judging me at this point, MOM, just remember that burritos after the gym are way better than burritos instead of the gym. It could have been worse.*  Anyway, awesome idea on my part -- you know, to go out to eat at a very popular place directly after exercising -- in sweat shorts,  no less.  And, as luck would have it, who do I run into not five minutes after I get there?  Jeff's ex-girlfriend.  Of course!

Let me explain a little... He only has one ex girlfriend.  At least that I count.  And, he happens to have dated this girl RIGHT BEFORE me, BOTH times!  (You can read our little "love story" here.)

... She doesn't even in live in Roanoke, and I haven't seen her in at least five years... But, the one night (um... pretend I don't do this often) that I go out looking like a hot (as in disgustingly greasy/sweaty) mess --- We see her.  She's adorable.  And, when I said "Oh, I'm so embarrassed I just left the gym" she said: "Oh gosh, I've been in the car travelling all day."  Did NOT make me feel better... She still looked super cute and put together.  I'd hate to see her on a "good" day. Uggg. 

Thank you greasy bangs.  Thank you Murphy's Law.

**Disclaimer: Just on the off chance that she reads this blog, and because it's true... I like this girl a lot!  She's always friendly, and it was good to catch up.  She also got married the same summer we did.  I (OBVIOUSLY) am not legitimately upset/worried by this interaction... But, it is a little unfortunate for me.  Really God?  Maybe a hairbrush and some jeans next time? ;)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mid-Week Laughs (About My High School Self)

Are you tired and grouchy by Wednesday afternoon? Does the weekend seem ALL too far away? Could you use a GOOD LAUGH? That's what "Mid-Week Laughs" is all about... Take a minute, sit back, and enjoy a good, hearty, brings-tears-to-your-eyes, belly laugh. It's good for the soul!
mid-week laughs at

This week's topic is:
__________________ makes me laugh, when I think about MY HIGH SCHOOL SELF!
To play along, simply write your own blog post filling in the blank... The funnier, the better - don't hold back! Then, just grab my button on the right AND add your link below. Ready... Set... Go!

I've been stewing over this all morning... Maybe the fact that I TEACH in my 7th period Spanish classroom makes me not far enough removed from this topic...  I asked Jeff what was funny about me in high school and he promptly said: "EVERYTHING."  There are disadvantages to marrying someone you grew up with.  I'm sure he or my sister could write this MUCH better than I can... But I'll give it a go.

My teacher's pet tendency makes me laugh, when I think about MY HIGH SCHOOL SELF!

Three years ago, when I first started teaching at my alma mater, I had to attend a new teacher orientation before the work-week started.  I was nervous about it, but thankful to have two of my good friends who had also gone to school here starting their career with me.  Things were going ok... There was a new principal, mostly all new staff, and it had been six years since I'd been back; so I felt grown up and different.  THEN, the librarian came in to speak to the group.  He is very monotone, and very serious about the cleanliness of the library, the organization of his shelves, and returning books on time.  But, literally in the MIDDLE of his speech, he spotted me and stopped everything to say: "Oh... Uh... Hi Elizabeth." 

Words can't really do this justice... But I was mortified!!  It was if he had stamped me on my first day of school with a sticker for all my colleagues to read that said "Warning: Suck Up Alert."

I will probably never live this down among my friends; but, let's be honest, no one that knew me in high school would be surprised to hear this.  I WAS a teacher's pet.  I was the kid who shot her hand up in the air like a gun when the teacher asked for a volunteer, as if the most exciting thing in the world was running a note downstairs to the attendance office.  I was the kid who actually dressed up like one of my teachers (the newspaper sponsor) on "Career Day."  (Granted, this really did turn out to be true; but, seriously, why didn't someone tell me how completely dorky that was.)  I was the kid who saw my teachers out in public and couldn't resist the urge to run up and discuss the summer reading.  Or, the who who always got asked "be in charge" when the teacher stepped out of the room... That's really a friendly way of saying, "You are the most likely to rat out your classmates if anything goes wrong" - most definitely NOT a compliment. 

I was the kid who went WAY above and beyond on the project in hopes that the teacher would ask to keep mine "as an example."  And, I was the kid who took photographs from sidelines at football games instead of sitting in the stands with my friends, who ate lunch in the newspaper room, and ran for student body offices so that I could speak into the microphone at class assemblies.  Oh, I was SO that kid.

Thankfully, I can laugh about it now.  I can laugh when my students roll their eyes at the kid who ALWAYS raises her hand and asks to read aloud, because I know that was me... Oh well, that's life! You live, you learn!

Now --- your turn!!!  What makes you laugh when you think about yourself in high school?!?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Classroom Decor (& Midweek Laughs Preview)

Thanks for your sweet comments Sunday and Monday about my laundry room & my "first day" outfit.  (FYI: I teach HIGH SCHOOL... So, the comments my students make aren't quite as "cute" as they are awkward.  But, I can still get a good laugh from them!)

Today, I wanted to show off my classroom a little bit because I know there are lots of teachers out there and we are always looking for ideas to make outdated concrete walls and flourescent lighting look cozy... Enjoy!

(That's a graffiti wall my students made a few years back behind my desk... We do that activity as part of our "social injustices" unit and The Outsiders... It is always a crowd favorite!)

Notice my map with tacks pointing out all the stops on our XC trip this summer... The kids aren't nearly as impressed with this as I'd hoped; but, it still makes a nice wall cover!

My little work station, and the trusty cart I toted from classroom to classroom my first two years!

Thank you Target $1 bins for having cute stick on letters... A teacher's dream!

I spy a.... Shakespeare Bobble Head! Haha! Remember when I freaked out because of my Activ Board last year?

And, last, my little reading spot - a must-have for the English classroom. Although, let's be honest, very little "quiet reading" goes on over there!

Hope you enjoyed my tour!

And, now, a preview for tomorrow's Mid-Week Laughs:
(Thank you SOOO much to all my friends who participated last week.  Literally,  PLEASE come back tomorrow!!)

Are you tired and grouchy by Wednesday afternoon? Does the weekend seem ALL too far away? Could you use a GOOD LAUGH? That's what "Mid-Week Laughs" is all about... Take a minute, sit back, and enjoy a good, hearty, brings-tears-to-your-eyes, belly laugh. It's good for the soul!
mid-week laughs at
This week's topic is:
__________________ makes me laugh when I think about MY HIGH SCHOOL SELF!

Come back tomorrow & link up your post on this topic...  This is gonna be good!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Back to School Special: The First Day

Ahh, the first day.  Remember those?

This morning, as I was driving to work to meet my students for the next ten months, I saw several anxious kids holding their lunch boxes and smiling for mom and dad to take a picture of them at the bus stop on the first day of school.  (Side Note: My first day of school in SIXTH grade, my dad stood at the bus stop with me, and then proceeded to GET ON the bus to introduce himself to the driver.  It took me YEARS to get over the embarrassment of this.  Parents, please don't do this.  We - teachers, bus drivers, etc. - KNOW you are involved and love your kids. Promise.)

Lucky for you, the first day of school photo lives on at my house, even though I'm the teacher now... I know it's a little weird, but in a few months when I'm exhausted and pale and grey-haired, I'll need to remember the energy of the first morning.

So, here I am - First Day of School 2010:

My first year teaching, I wore a hideous khaki skirt and blouse to look "professional" and not like a student.  This year - at orientation - one of my new students said to me: "You're kind-of pretty, for a teacher."  I wasn't really sure how to take this... err.... compliment?  But, clearly, I've reached the point in my career where I need a cute dress to make me look young and fun again!  "For a teacher" - really?!?!  Haha!  (Seriously though, I'm always amazed at how good we look as a staff on the first day... The men are in ties.  ALL the women are in dresses.  You'd think we worked in a corporate office or something.  By Thursday, we'll be wearing capris and cotton t-shirts again!)

All in all, the first day went well.  I'm absolutely exhausted today... I'd forgotten how hard it is to work/ talk/ be on my feet ALL day.  Literally, I had to come home and nap before I could even speak to Jeff.  Hopefully, it won't take me too long to snap back into a routine --- which I love, by the way!  There's an excitement about the beginning of a new school year that I wish lasted all the time... Plus, this girl loves her some schedule!

To all you parents, teachers, and kiddos out there --- Here's to a great school year!!!

(Come back tomorrow to see pictures of my classroom!)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Laundry Room Reveal

Ok... the laundry room is (finally) done.

I now have a PROFOUND respect for people who crank out DIY projects in a matter of hours, or even days.  (Is it just me or do all design blogs make home projects look SO easy and un-messy?)

As it turns out, I'm not a very good at this stuff.  In fact, I'm sort of a hazard when it comes to paint, etc.  What I had hoped would be MY project through and through, actually ended up being a lot of Jeff fixing my mistakes/ doing all the work himself.  I - honestly - would spend entire days painting etc., and then he would get home from work and offer to "clean it up."  It was frustrating, and - at times - not that fun.  Plus, we spent a lot more money than I had originally planned, and it took almost two weeks to completely finish.
THAT SAID, I am VERY happy with the final result.  Now - just in time for me to go back to work and have very limited free time - I have a place to go and feel inspired to "Clean & Create."  I love my new space and, if nothing else, learned a lot in the process of transforming it.  (Also, I could have not have done this AT ALL without my wonderful husband and dad... I have a long way to go in this department, but I am VERY grateful to have two talented men behind me!)

Anyways, here's the BEFORE, in case you forgot what a gem I was working with:

And, here's the AFTER:

Let's take one more look side-by-side:

Much better huh?

In case you are wondering, here's how the cost breaks down:

- The wall color is the same as what's in my foyer/office.  I started off using the leftovers, but we ended up having to buy another gallon - Lowes ($32.00)

- I simply PAINTED (no sanding or anything) over the laminate countertops with a high-gloss paint, and topped it off with FOUR coats of polyurethane.  It worked well, but the polyurethane is a MUST.  Lowe's custom made this color to match the storage cubes I had already bought.  We used less than a quart of both paint & polyurethane.  Overall, it worked well... But, I don't know how it will hold up; you may want to do something more professional for more "important" space like a kitchen. - Lowes ($20.00 )

- The stool, mason jars, and sewing machine all came from Poppy & Granny's basement.  I also already had the white planter, black frames, laundry sorter, and the wire baskets for wrapping supplies (FREE)

- Storage cubes, ironing board cover, & fabric covered organizers - Tuesday Morning ($40.00 )

- Floating shelves & dragon-fly hooks - Lowes ($50.00 )

- Rug, lamp, & monogram - TJ Maxx ($60.00 )

- Bulletin Board - Walmart ($9.00)

- I SPRAY PAINTED the monogram, the stool, and a piece of wood I already had (it looks hilarious - I know) green; and took an old floor tile and spray painted it with chalkboard paint for my "To Do" list - Lowes ($7.00 )

- Finally, the paper prints and green bucket holding giftwrap came from a little shop in Roanoke called Chocolate Paper ($30.00 )

- Labor courtesy of my wonderful husband and wonderful dad (FREE )

GRAND TOTAL = $264.00 *All prices are approximate... It was probably closer to $300 when all was said & done.

You live, you learn - right?

Now... I've just got to teach myself to sew and do crafts, and it will all be worth it! ;)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Book Club: The Art of Racing in the Rain

Calling all readers!!!  Today, we're talking about Garth Stein's novel The Art of Racing in the Rain.

(Want more information about the book and/or my club?  Just click here.)

Tonight, I'm having a real live book club at my house... It's going to be full of girls, dogs (maybe), wine, cheese, talking, crying (in a good way), and giggling.  I can't wait!

Here's what we'll be discussing tonight: (These questions mostly came from the author & publisher with some of my own adaptation.)

1.) On a scale of 1 - 10, how would you rate this book?  Why?

2.) Some early readers of the novel have observed that viewing the world through a dog's eyes make for a greater appreciation of being human.  Do you agree with this?  Why do you think this is?

3.) In one of the books darkest moments, one of Zoe's stuffed animals -- the zebra -- comes to life and threatens Enzo.  Why do you think the author included this scene?  What does the zebra symbolize?

4.) How would this story be different if a human character (like Denny) had told it?

5.) In the first chapter, Enzo says: "It's what's inside that's important.  The soul.  And my soul is very human."  How does Enzo's situation -- a human trapped in a dog's body -- influence his opinions about what he sees around him?  How do you feel about the ideas of reincarnation and karma as Enzo defines them?

6.) Do you find yourself looking at your own dog differently after reading this novel?  How?

7.) In the book, we get glimpses into the mindset and mentality of a race car driver.  What parallels can you think of between the art of racing and the art of living?

8.) Do you think this book is strictly for animal/dog lovers?  Would you recommend this to someone who doesn't have a pet?

SO... If you read, and you can't get to Roanoke tonight, you can still be a part of our discussion! 

To join my Blog Book Club, simply copy & paste these questions into your own blog post, answer them, & then link up below.  OR... Just leave your thoughts on the book in today's comment section! 

I'll be back with my responses tomorrow!  (I don't want to spoil it for my real-life friends that will be here tonight!)

Can't wait to see what you thought...

Neither can Addy... 

How much does she look like the dog on the cover?  That had NOTHING to do with my book selection, I assure you... ;)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mid-Week Laughs (About Pets)

Friends, this girl doesn't give up easily... I'm back for round two of my new blog hop - Mid-Week Laughs!
mid-week laughs at
Are you tired and grouchy by Wednesday afternoon? Does the weekend seem ALL too far away? Could you use a GOOD LAUGH? That's what "Mid-Week Laughs" is all about... Take a minute, sit back, and enjoy a good, hearty, brings-tears-to-your-eyes, belly laugh. It's good for the soul!

This week's topic is:
__________________ makes me laugh about MY PET!

To play along, simply write your own blog post filling in the blank... The funnier, the better - don't hold back! Then, just grab my button on the right AND add your link below. Ready... Set... Go!
Referring to her by her full name makes me laugh about MY PET!

Have you ever noticed that most pets simply go by ONE name?  Fluffy?  Oreo?  What would the world be like if our parents simply gave us one name based on our outward appearance.  I can imagine now a class full of 'Freckles' and 'Chubbys.'

Anyways, my girl has a full name: 
Adelle Girl Chapman

And, let's all just be honest, if it was more socially acceptable I'd have her full initials monogrammed on everything she owns! 
If that doesn't look like an Adelle, I don't know what does. 
(And, that may or may not be her coffee!)

I LOVE calling animals by their full name - especially, when the name is human-like. (Bonus points for senior-citizen names.)

Addy's boyfriend is named Nacho Schubert.
Addy's arch enemy next door is named Harley Cross.
My family cat growing up was named Muffy Mulvaney - porn star?!?

When Addy entered the photo contest a while back, she was the ONLY animal listed with both a first and last name.  Call me crazy, but I think that's why she won.

And... because I made this up, I write the rules, and I might be the only one participating...

#2. Car trips make me laugh about MY PET!

THIS is how Addy rides.  Every time.  We start out with her in the back like a good dog, and slowly, she makes her way to my lap.  It is awkward and uncomfortable, but I think it's hilarious.  You should SEE the look on people's faces in the cars next to us.  (Jeff is mortified, but I know they are jealous.)  Besides, I admire Addy's confidence in her 75 pound curvaceous bod.  The laughs are TOTALLY worth the dog hair and bruises I, undoubtedly, acquire.

Ok... your turn!

School with No Students & Midweek Laughs Preview

As you probably know, I went back to work yesterday after an incredible summer.  I honestly felt refreshed and ready to put a little routine back in my life --- But, that's not to say I haven't learned some good lessons in adventure, availability, and creativity from my summer.

Anyways, the first week is a teacher work week.  And, without fail, every year I am more and more convinced that high school teachers, are just like the teenagers we teach. 

Yesterday, our morning started with a lovely breakfast hosted by the PTA.  I spent most of Sunday evening planning out what I could wear to somehow make me look like I've lost weight and gotten a tan in the last two months - neither of which actually happened.  I finally decided on a red skirt and black top, which happen to be our school colors - totally UNcool, and ONE person (out of about 65) said I "looked good," so I guess I can call that a success.  :) The cafeteria was buzzing as people whispered and gossiped about who is pregnant, who switched classrooms, and what students moved.  I loved it!

The rest of the day was spent organizing and decorating my classroom --- a little slice of heaven for me.  Teachers kept popping in the door to ask about my trip across country, and whine about the new computer system.  By 3:30, my feet literally hurt... I am totally NOT used to working this hard! (Hence the reason my laundry room is still incomplete!)

Today, we had our annual back to school "Faculty Meeting."  In most cases, this means: We are given very specific directions about very small tasks, teachers complain about everything and make a MUCH bigger deal out of things than they should, and I get excited about really dorky things. 

Case(s) in Point:

When describing how to fill out a form titled "Number of Students," we were instructed: "In this blank, you write in a NUMBER for how many students are in your class."  Really?  I am expected to TEACH English, but not to READ? 

Then, people started huffing and puffing about excused vs. unexcused absences and there was more than one "stand-up and yell at everyone" moment from the crowd. 

And, finally, I couldn't control myself and actually FIST PUMPED when the tech-guy announced that we could now upload our lesson plans directly to the website.  Really?  What would my high school self have thought of my enthusiasm over something so lame?

All in all, things are rolling.  I think I have a good school year ahead of me.

(Stay tuned next week for my "Back to School Special" with features all week on classroom decorating, the first day, etc. etc.)

Reminder: I'm giving Midweek Laughs a second go-around tomorrow!
mid-week laughs at
This week's topic is:
__________________ makes me laugh about MY PET!!
(You knew this topic was bound to come up soon!)
To play along, simply write your own blog post filling in the blank... The funnier, the better - don't hold back! Then, just come back tomorrow to post your link!!  Come on, couldn't we all use a good laugh?
See you then!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Giveaway Winner & Eat, Pray, Love

First, it's someone's lucky day!!

Congratulations to Katrina - the winner of $50.00 towards ANYTHING she wants from CSN Stores!

Girl, email me at to claim your prize! Thanks to everyone for participating!!!

Moving on.....

Have you seen Eat, Pray, Love yet?  I had a day full of eating, praying, and loving! To start with, we finally got to go back to church today.  It feels like we've been gone for FOREVER because of all our traveling etc.  It felt good to be back.  Like family.  Very refreshing.  (That's the pray part.)  Then, I had a fun girl afternoon --- we ate a delicious lunch at our favorite pizza place, then saw the movie, THEN talked (love) about it over coffee and a heavenly slice of chocolate silk pie.  (In case you didn't notice, I did the best with the "eat" part.)

I recommend the movie.  It's sweet, and has some great messages about life... Especially about the importance of slowing down and learning to love yourself.  *One of my favorite lines was when the italian guys say to Liz (Julia Roberts): "You Americans know entertainment, but you don't know pleasure."  How true is that?! There are some things I disagree with in the movie, of course; but, that's what life is all about. And, yes, it did make me want to travel more.   

Now, my cute husband is making me crab-cakes for dinner, and I'm organizing binders for back-to-school tomorrow. Love it!

Today was the kind of day that's good for the soul.  The perfect cap to a wonderfully refreshing summer.
How was your Sunday?  What are your thoughts on the movie?

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Today is a blah day for me... It is rainy here, and I'm beating myself up for waiting until (literally) the very last weekend of my summer to try to renovate my laundry room, clean my house thoroughly, and organize myself for the entire next school year...  I'm a super brat for complaining... My summer has been AMAZING.  But, today is one of those days where I want to run away from my house and all my "stuff" and just live out of one suitcase in The Marriot where they clean your room every day...

My laundry room is definitely coming along, BUT it has been a much more difficult project than I realized it would be.  Jeff has been a saint for working with me - but he has pretty much redone everything I do because it isn't "perfect" enough for him.  He's all about increasing the value of the house... I think is a laundry room, and should just be fun!  Anyways, as much as I just want to tell you all how handy and crafty I am... I'm OVER this project!  I've spent A LOT of time on it, and I still have a ways to go.  In the future, I plan to stick to coming up with ideas and buying accessories, while letting someone else do the work! :)

Anyways, be looking for my big reveal soon though along with a complete price breakdown - which, of course, was WAY over my $150.00 budget - and "how-to."  It is going to be pretty cute, if I do say so myself!

Finally, just a reminder that today is the last day to enter my $50.00 CSN Stores giveaway right HERE.  I'll announce the winner sometime tomorrow.

In the meantime, hope your Saturday is less whiney than mine!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Five Question Friday

So... my blog hop wasn't exactly a thrilling success on Wednesday.  But hey, one is better than none, right?  Oh well, I'll keep it up for a few more weeks & let ya'll warm up to the idea... I know you are out there!!

(And, if you are just stopping by today for FQF, glad you're here!  Come back Wednesday for my brand new blog party, "Mid-Week Laughs."  It'll be fun!)

Anyways, just to prove that I still have hope in this McLinky thing, today I'm playing along at My Little Life's

And, the questions are...

1. Have you ever visited another country?

Yes, Jeff and I studied abroad in London our junior year of college.  While we were there, we took classes only two days a week and travelled the rest of the time - rough life, I know.  We visited Italy, Spain, France, Germany, and the Czech Republic.  I've also been the Caribbean and, now, Canada! (One of my 30 Before 30 items is to visit another continent besides Europe... I'm crossing my fingers for China 2012!)

2. Where is the strangest place you have ever been?

Um... Corn Palace? Is is a palace made out of corn... Do places get stranger than that?

3. What is your favorite season?

Fall - 100%  (I am SO tired of sweating and SO excited for light sweaters!)
4. What one song will always cheer you up?

"Livin' on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi, because it reminds me of my Clemson girls; "Hey Ya" by Outkast, because I'm just that cool; and "Dream Lover" by Mariah Carey, because I'm a girl.
5. What Disney character do you resemble most?

Hmm... This is a tough one!  I've been told I look like Ramona Quimby and Peppermint Patty - both are very attractive; neither is a Disney character.  So, for the sake of the game, let's go with Snow White, because I am very pale and I like to pop my collar. :)

Write your own post answering these five questions and link up here; or, just leave your responses in the comment section.  It's high time I stop doing all the talking and get to know you a little anyway! ;)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

30 Day Shred

I'd like you to picture THIS please...

My sister & I in sweat pants and sports bras (one of those things that is ONLY - in my rule book - acceptable in the privacy of your own home with family members), in my unfinished basement/ mancave, doing jumping jacks, and bicep curls with cans of black beans.  

I assure you... We've had finer days!!

Today is Day 3 for me on Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.  So far, I can't believe how HARD it is!  (I know, I should have expected it!)  Just after 20 minutes, I am in a FULL - I look like I just got caught in a downpour - sweat, and sore as can be.  That makes me think it's working... right?  It also makes me think I'm even MORE out of shape than I thought.  Wonderful.

Have any of you done the 30 Day Shred?  I'm really trying to do THIRTY days STRAIGHT and see how it changes my body.  Of course I'm hoping for the 20 pound weight loss the DVD cover says you "may" experience; but, realistically, what should I hope for?

I'd love some feedback, and - as always - you know I'll keep you updated!
*Remember, it's not too late to enter my CSN Stores giveaway here!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mid-Week Laughs (About Weddings)

Welcome to the FIRST EDITION of "Mid-Week Laughs" at E, Myself, and I!  (I've been wanting to do this for a long time; so, at the risk of sounding desperate... PLEASE join in!  I'll be really sad if this is a flop!)
Are you tired and grouchy by Wednesday afternoon? Does the weekend seem ALL too far away? Could you use a GOOD LAUGH? That's what "Mid-Week Laughs" is all about... Take a minute, sit back, and enjoy a good, hearty, brings-tears-to-your-eyes, belly laugh. It's good for the soul!

This week's topic is:

__________________ makes me laugh about WEDDINGS!

To play along, simply write your own blog post filling in the blank... The funnier, the better - don't hold back! Then, just grab my brand-new button on the right AND add your link below. Ready... Set... Go!

The FOB makes me laugh about weddings!

No, not Fall Out Boy (although imagining them at a wedding also makes me laugh) - the Father of the Bride, of course! 

You know, the one with the awkward smile/holding back tears/"I have to use the bathroom" face walking the bride down the aisle...

This picture, from Pryor's wedding, perfectly sums up what I LOVE about the Father of the Bride.  Here he is - "Giving away" his little girl AND thousands of dollars all on the same evening! Talk about a rough night!

And yet, he's one of the stars of the show!  The party - in many ways - is his to host.  He's probably been dieting for a few weeks to fit into an uncomfortable cummerbund, and the glorious feast he's paying for is in reach, but only attainable AFTER he poses for a few hundred photos. 

Then, just as "the hard part" appears to be over, comes the (dun dun dun): Father - Daughter Dance.  Somehow, this graying stud must figure out a way to look manly and cool, all the while dancing to a song like "Butterfly Kisses" or Amy Grant's "My Father's Eyes."  THAT takes some skill ladies and gentlemen!

Pryor & her dad (who, incidently, immediately changed into shorts & flipflops following the ceremony) danced to "Heaven Is a Place on Earth."  An excellent choice!

Then comes my FAVORITE PART... The shy man who swayed awkwardly earlier becomes a NIGHT MOVER as the evening goes on.  The band gets louder.  The bar gets wilder.  And, before you know it, he's reverted back to his fraternity days... Shaking his hips, head-banging, and shmoozing the ladies on the dance floor with his stunning moves. He is a rock star!  He is THE FOB!  And, gosh darnit, he DESERVES this!!  :) 

The Father of the Bride never fails to make me laugh.  (Ok, and cry sometimes too.)  I've seen super serious FOBs, and wildly outrageous ones.  I've seen nervous ones, and weepy ones.  I like them all!  But, I do have a favorite, of course...

My daddy... Hilarious, but wonderful! We danced to "Blessed" by Elton John, & he was a champ!

Now it's your turn!  What makes you laugh about weddings? (Come on, don't make me beg!)
And, oh yea, just a reminder: Don't take these TOO seriously... We aren't posting stuff to be mean or personally insult anyone... Just sharing a good laugh about the every-day things of life!  Ok?!?!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


This is the word that keeps coming to my mind when I think about my friend Pryor's wedding this past weekend... She was so beautiful and SO happy - literally, a picture of DELIGHT!

Pryor is my oldest friend.  I love our story.  We met in preschool at the Downtown Learning Center when we were three years old. We wore dresses, chased boys, played Barbies (until we were WAY too old), cleaned/decorated/sold lake rocks, hosted tea parties, pretended to be teenagers, and watched 90210 (when we were WAY too young) for the next five years. 

Then, when we were in second grade, Pryor's family announced they were moving to Knoxville, Tennessee.  It was almost twenty years ago, but I still remember the EXACT moment my parents told me this sad news.  I cried and cried. 

But, as it tends to do, life went on.  For a while, we saw each other in the summers; but eventually our friendship faded and our lives went different routes - or so I thought...

However, as fate (or God) would have it, we each became very involved in Young Life in high school, committed our lives to Christ, and accepted - in November of 2001 - admission into Clemson University for the following year. 

Pryor's annual Christmas card came in December announcing that she would be attending Clemson and giving the family email addresses.  I immediately got in touch, and we learned how similar our lives had become...

Six months later, we reunited at Clemson orientation for the first time in nearly ten years. 

We were roommates that fall, and - except for one short stint on the sorority hall for her - we lived together the rest of college. 

She is one of my closest friends and, truly, much of who I am today can be credited to her.  :)

On Saturday, she married her new best friend/roommate, Gregg!

As I mentioned in this post a few weeks ago, things are different now.  When we were in college, we knew EVERYTHING about each other.  Pryor KNEW Jeff - and saw us through MANY ups and downs in our relationship.  (We have a famous little story about when Jeff and Pryor got into an argument over manners - of all things - on our travels in London.  I lectured Jeff on the way home about "being mean to my friends," and he replied "Pryor is MY friend too."  I, of course, relayed this message to Pryor later and she concurred.)

But, now, we have lived in different places for the past four years and her entire dating relationship with Gregg has been separate from me.  Sometimes, I'm sad because I really don't KNOW him.  He knows me, but he doesn't KNOW what our friendship really is.  That's hard for me.

HOWEVER, this weekend, when I saw his tears as he looked at my friend, I KNEW.  He really LOVES her.  She is happy.  And, I know Pryor well enough to trust that. 

They had a beautiful wedding - outside on the farm that Gregg runs in Tennessee.  We sat on hay bales, danced under retro lamp shades, and ate organic food.  It was perfectly Pryor.  It was - in a word - delightful.

Congratulations Pryor and Gregg!  I love you BOTH; and Gregg, I can't wait to be "your friend too." 
P.S. (As if this isn't already long enough.)  Pryor is at least partially responsible for giving me my nickname "E."  Although my sister officially started it, Pryor carried it beyond my family and into college - because she was my friend back when Kathryn first started talking... Today, most people from Clemson don't recognize me by any other name.  Just FYI.

Oh, and one more thing, PLEASE come back for the VERY FIRST "Mid-Week Laughs" Blog Carnival, right HERE tomorrow!  It's even wedding themed!!!  (Find instructions, etc. here.)