Sunday, March 27, 2011

24 Week Update

Thanks guys for the birthday wishes and for participating in my 30 Before 30 link-upI've had a great weekend so far... It actually is FOUR days because of the end of the nine weeks at school - thank you unnecessary snow days - so, I'm only just beginning!  Yesterday, I got a lot done around the house that has been calling my name for weeks!  Then, we attended the wedding of our good friends Andrew and Allison; it was beautiful.  Today has spent at church, lunch with Jeff's parents, watching laptop movies in bed, and now getting ready for our Love & Respect class & a birthday dinner with my family at a Japanese Steakhouse - a pregnant gal's dream!

At the wedding yesterday, I met a "blog fan."  It was kind-of a surreal feeling, just one of those times where I realize people I don't know are following and care about my life.  Kind-of neat.  (Hi April, if you are reading!)  Anyways, for all of you following along, here's my latest pregnancy update...
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 24 weeks

Size of Baby: Approximately the length of an ear of corn and a little over a pound.  Also, according to my uterus is close to the size of a SOCCER BALL.
Maternity Clothes: Oh yes, pretty much all the time. (Although I did wear an entirely non-maternity outfit today.  It's nice to know that can still happen --- even if it consisted of leggings and  a giant poncho.) 

Here's a picture from before the wedding yesterday.  The dress is from Motherhood Maternity.  If you know me in real life, you'll probably be seeing a lot more of it.

Gender: A little man. :)

Movement: YES!  Finally!  I am feeling a good bit of movement, and I LOVE it.  Thank you baby boy for making mommy's day every time you do a little dance in there. 

Sleep: Still not terrible; but, I do wake up several times in the middle of the night just randomly.  I assume this is normal. so bad.  I also get really hot when I am sleeping - a down comforter, a husband, a dog, and a huge pregnancy pillow make for a bit of a sauna squeeze.

What I miss: A thinner face and arms.  What? I'm just being honest.  Photographs are difficult for me right now.  It's a good thing I love this baby so much. :)

Cravings: Anything sour & fruity - especially sweet and sour filled Twizzlers.  Could this have something to do with my above complaint?

Symptoms: Mostly, still great.  I have a lot of energy.  I also have... Puffy hands and a big belly (I never really notice how huge I am until I take these update pictures.)  Also, I'm starting to realize how hard later pregnancy will be.  Already, basic things like putting on tights or shaving my legs feels like a work-out.  Come on July!

Words of Wisdom: I'm learning a lot about expectations.  From pregnancy, to labor and delivery, to breastfeeding, and travel with a baby --- I've had a lot of wise women warn me against setting up expectations that are unrealistic for myself and our life in general.  It's been freeing to hear that and realize that (just like pregnancy) every woman's adjustment into motherhood is different... So, I should have some "plans" or "goals;" but, ultimately, I'll know what works best for our family.  And, it is important to kind-of "roll with the punches" and not be disappointed if things don't go exactly the way I'd hoped.  Good advice, I think.

Best Moment(s) This Week: Getting the invitation to my FIRST SHOWER - coming up on April 16th.  And, organizing some of the clothes friends have given us and other little accessories for the nursery I've been picking up here and there. I'm loving the elephant theme! 
Adorable elephant lamp from our friends Jake & Amanda - via Marshall's
Now... if we just knew where we would be living so I could really get started on the room...

Hard to imagine how different my life will be on my birthday next year.............. :)


  1. OH MAN, those sweet & sour filled Twizzlers will very likely be the DEATH of me when I'm pregnant (or even before then...)! Why are they so good?!!

  2. Great lamp! Enjoy your Japanese food!

  3. that is the cutest lamp i have ever seen!!!

  4. You look so happy! = ) Love the lamp!

  5. Hey E! Thanks for not being creeped out by me :). It was great to meet you and congrats again on the little one!

  6. i absolutely LOVE that lamp! what a great find!

  7. I love the lamp it's gorgeous. Just wondering where you got it from? We are having an elephant theme as well if it's a little man!


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