Monday, April 25, 2011

28 Week Update

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 28 weeks
Goodbye second trimester, hello HOME STRETCH!

Size of Baby: The size of a Chinese cabbage (but of course).
Maternity Clothes: Oh yes.  It is sad how even the loose tops I bought a year ago thinking "these will be perfect when I'm pregnant one day" are way too tight. C'est la vie.

Gender: Still a little man. (We have a name for him now, but I've decided not to share it on my blog until he actually arrives.  I know, I am evil.)

Movement: He is moving SO much now.  And, the best part, Jeff & I can actually see his little kicks and wiggles from the outside when we watch for them.  I absolutely LOVE it.  I could sit and watch my tummy all day long.

Sleep: I get up once or twice to use the bathroom and always find myself tangled up in my pregnancy pillow.  Otherwise, not bad.

What I miss:  Cute clothes - I will never take my spring/summer wardrobe for granted again.  As I organized my closet this weekend, I packed a small box of things I hope to be able to wear in August and kept my closet exceptionally clutter-free with only clothes that will fit me for the next three months.  Leave it to a boy to make my boobs huge and deprive me of my wardrobe! ;)

Cravings: Still Mexican food. Luckily, my friend T turned me on to a little secret in Roanoke known as "Taco Tuesday" at Village Grill.  Tacos are 99 cents.  My belly and I will be there - maybe every Tuesday from now on. I also continue to have a sweet tooth (who doesn't with all the delicious Easter candy around), but I have my glucose test on Wednesday morning, so I'm trying to be good. (Any tips for passing?  I'm nervous!)

Symptoms: My feet have started to swell really badly in the afternoons/evenings.  I'm a little concerned that this is starting so early for me... Also, Jeff says I breathe really loudly.  (Does anyone know if that is normal?)  Otherwise, I'm still feeling good.

Words of Wisdom: My friend Lea (who is 34 weeks pregnant) just wrote a great blog post on motherhood being a continuing process of "letting go."  I'm reflecting on that a little and plan to write about it soon... So, stay tuned.

Best Moment(s) This Week:   I'm just so happy to be on spring break and have several days at home to check some things off of my to-do list.  My mom is washing lots of baby clothes for me, and all of last weekend's shower gifts are organized and put away.  The nursery is looking more and more like the way I envisioned it... So excited!

Also, my friend Jen had her precious baby girl very early Thursday morning.  I got to visit Piper on Friday and was totally smitten.  Apparently, my little guy was too, because he just kicked and kicked at her while I held her and practiced my "soothing techniques."  I can already tell he's going to be a ladies man!

And one more thing... Yesterday, as Jeff and I greeted people at church for Easter, I started feeling sad about not picking out cute Easter dresses and hats for a little girl.  Then, I remembered SEERSUCKER.  Ahh yes!  Next year, our little guy will be nine(ish) months old at Easter (how crazy is that?) and he will definitely be wearing something like this... (Obviously with his own monogram!)

 I can't wait!


  1. E--I'm not sure where all the paranoia is coming from regarding the way you look. You are cute! And you look just like a normal pregnant you may have to explain why you've been on the upset side?

    Congrats on making it to the third trimester. If your chest is really growing now, invest in a couple of good bras. My mom has always said that it's money well spent (and your back will thank you one day).

  2. You look great; yay for the 3rd tri! My swelling started around then, or maybe even a little before... it is only a real concern if your blood pressure goes up; at least that's what they keep telling me!

  3. The loud breathing is totally normal. Can't remember the physiological explanation, but a lot of pregnant women experience it.
    For the sugar test, just watch what you eat (and this includes carbs as well!)

  4. Ah ha - I frequently compare things to chinese cabbage as well, such a useful comparison. lol!

  5. So exciting! My sister is 7 months pregnant and she has had an awful time with her feet swelling. She bought compression socks and while they're hard to squeeze on, they really help her.

  6. E-- Seeing the picture of my daughter almost made me cry! Thank you so much for the visit and for letting us borrow the Breast Friend Pillow! It has been a Lifesaver! See you soon, Jen


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