Thursday, August 11, 2011

New Digs & Some Randoms...

- Thanks to the wonderful Tricia Nae, I got another make-over (of the blog form, that is).  I'm going for a slightly simpler, more stream-lined look.  You like?!?

- My baby was 4 weeks old yesterday.  I love him more every day.

- Truth be told, he probably has a touch of colic.  I hate to use this term, but it seems to be the "mystery disease" when your baby is perfectly healthy (which mine is) but screams and cries a lot (which mine does).  It breaks my heart because I know he is SO tired but just won't let himself go to sleep and no amount of swaying, bouncing, shhing, or swaddling will fix it.  BUT... I think we are beginning to turn a corner.  He is growing up, his digestive system is maturing a bit, his days and nights are straightening out, and (probably most significantly) my expectations are different.  We are getting this

- When Sam was born with hair, I knew it wouldn't last long.  It is quickly disappearing now in the shape of a culdesac on the top of his head.  Sometimes when I am holding him and looking at him, I really think he is the old man from Benjamin Button.  (Does that make me a terrible mom for saying that?)  I like old men though, so it's good.

- He's still pretty much the cutest thing on earth.  Howard took some awesome photos this week and Sam cooperated with open eyes, belly rolls, and adorable little expressions.  Here's a sneak peak:
(Honestly, seeing Howard's photos makes me never want to take another one myself ever.  If you live in the area and are in need of a photographer, I can't recommend him strongly enough.)

- I owe my readers a sincere apology and printed retraction for this post published back in December of 2009 titled "If I Was a Stay at Home Mom."  In the last four weeks this post has literally been haunting me... I'm serious. What a naive moron I was!  Now that I actually am a SAHM (for now at least) my reality is much more like this photo taken on Tuesday when we stayed in pajamas all day and watched The Bachelor Pad.  (Man, I'm really going to be up for the Mom of the Year Award.)  

- I'm thinking about taking Sam to see The Help.  I read somewhere that this is a great way for moms of newborns to get out of the house but still be with their baby because more than likely he will just sleep and/or nurse in the dark theater.  I'm skeptical (see my second bullet point), but tempted.  Has anyone ever tried this?

- Sam's nursery is featured at Ohdeedoh today.  I'm so proud!  Go check it out, especially if you are having a baby soon... There are TONS of adorable inspiration rooms. (His room won't be up until lunch time. FYI.)

- While you're out there, don't forget to visit my sweet sponsors Stella & Dot, Stella Jewelry, and E. Ria Designs.  All three have great products for sale right now -- just in time for back to school.  Plus, I have a really fun giveaway from my newest sponsor, E. Ria, coming tomorrow.  See you then!


  1. LOVE the new look! And the photo with the dog on the couch too, that is simply adorable and just made my day.

  2. Hey, in your defense you did say that #10 on the list "Have a Baby" would void #1-9!

  3. Adorable pic of little Sam! Can't wait to see the rest of them.

  4. Amen to the SAHM comment. I am returning to teaching next week and while I wish I was only working part time I must say I will never ever roll my eyes at SAHMs every again thinking that they have it easy. It's the hardest job I know. I swore our little guy Donovan had colic in the beginning. Same thing as Sam perfectly healthy but cried and fussed all the time! Have you tried Mylicon infant gas drops? They might help a bit. But know that they grow out of that stage quickly and very soon you will be able to decipher his every little cry. Hang in there Momma. You're doing a great job!

  5. Love the new blog and love how Sam's birth story is on the side link up now too :) I say go for it with the movie!! Whats the worse that can happen?? U have to leave because he's fussy? no biggie...

  6. I like it! But I miss the green/blue combo :)

  7. Hi friend - so good to hear from you, even if it's just on the blog! Meg was a little colic as well & turned the corner into the happiest baby ever at 8 weeks. They grow out of it & I promise you will feel like a new woman and mom once he does! Anyway, love you momma!
    Liz McDonald

  8. My Sam's first movie was the last Die Hard when he was 6 weeks old. Our friends cracked up at us but we our both teachers so our first summer with a newborn we went at least twice a month to the movies. We always went to the latest showing on a Wed. night, No one was there, he slept through the whole thing, and Chris and I got a date night with the new baby! We took a blanket and wrapped it around the top of his head to protect his little ears!

  9. He is so cute! My son who is now 5 months had colic until he was about 3 months old. I know how hard that is, just know you aren't alone!

  10. Love the new look! Your blog designs are always great.

  11. The newborn pic is just too cute. What a great memory to always have. About the movie, go for it! You might ask around, our theaters around here have a certain time (usually the 1st movie) where it's called the "cry baby matinee". It's known for moms to come and bring their babies in strollers or whatever and if they cry- who cares. Google it to see if anyone around you has that. Super good idea :) Enjoy your time off with your sweet little guy. It goes fast!

  12. I know here in Australia, lots of movie theatres have mums and bubs sessions for mothers to take their little children to. Not sure if that is an option in the USA?

  13. Nice post i really glad to read this informative post, thanks to share :)


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