Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Midweek Confessions

This week, I confess...

- I miss Jeff when he travels for work, but I also kind-of look forward to my quiet nights at home "alone" after Sam goes to bed.  I love to use that time to be super productive catch up on blog reading, facebook stalking, and googling from my bed... Beginning at 8PM.

- Last night, I ate a cupcake in bed.

- I also let Addy sleep in Jeff's spot, even though I know he will notice, freak out, and then sleep with a t-shirt over his pillowcase when he comes home.  What can I say? I get.... uh.... cold.

- I judged Kacie B. on The Bachelor because she twirled the baton.  (I know I'm like weeks late on this.  And awful at stereotyping. Forgive?)

- I've chickened out of going to Blogher alone this summer.  My original plans to go with a friend fell through; but for a while, I was seriously considering going by myself.  It would have been a bold move.  But, alas, I let my insecurities and practicality get the best of me.  I think I'll start planning for Blissdom 2013 now.

- I have had two cups of coffee and two Diet Dr. Peppers today.  The picture of health.

- My baby doesn't sleep.  (Hence the above bullet point.) I'm not quite the mom that can let him cry it out, but I'm also not quite the mom that can "treasure" the middle of the night feedings.  I'm considering going to some wizard to have them hypnotize or put a spell on Sam.  That seems like a good compromise, right?

- I REALLY want to put the bumper back in Sam's crib.  (I have somehow convinced myself that this will solve all his sleep problems.  In reality, it will probably just give me something cuter to look at when I am rocking and nursing in the middle of the night. And something to worry about the rest of the time.)  The research is still pretty much anti-bumpers, but I paid good money for that darn thing and Sam keeps bumping his head/dropping his paci/getting his arm stuck in the crib slots.  Besides, it looks like a darn prison in that crib.  I probably wouldn't sleep there either (who am I kidding? I would sleep ANYWHERE).  Seriously, any thoughts on this?  Do you think it's ok now that he can roll over and move around?  It is pretty stuffed & puffy. 

- I really need a lot of verbal (or written) affirmation in life.

Now it's your turn.  What can you unload today? 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Look Alikes

Just popping in to share the most recent photo of my boy.  (Amanda took this today so I could look at it when I start freaking out about the fact that he isn't the best at sitting by himself even though he is over 7 months old.)

Anyway, it reminded me of this post from last summer when I shared Jeff and my baby pictures and wondered what "Baby C" would look like.

I mean, the answer is obvious, but who do you think he resembles?

P.S. Do you see all that hair?  I mean, he's a regular hairy beast these days.

*Midweek Confessions will be up after work tomorrow.  Come back and fess/link up, ok?

Monday, February 27, 2012

Sick Baby for Dummies

Um... I've literally become the worst blogger recently.  This weekend - for the first time in a LONG time - I did not even get my laptop out of my school bag until I got back to work this morning.  Sometimes I'm too busy living life to actually write about it.  (That sounds a lot better than just saying I'm lazy.)

Either way, this bad-blogger-ness is ironic because at the same time, I've been thinking a lot about the future of my little blog and what I want to "do" with it in the coming months... I should probably start by WRITING, huh?  :)  More to come on all that one day (sort-of) soon.

Anyway, today I just wanted to draw your attention to my friend Lea's blog.  She is a mama herself (Jonathan is 9 months old tomorrow and Sam's BFF - even if they don't know it yet), and a Pediatric Physician's Assistant.  Basically, she is the most wonderful friend in the world to have if you are a freakish new mom like me.  I call her ALL the time with ridiculous medical questions about Sam (or sometimes me).  Recently, I've also started texting her photos of weird spots on his skin etc.  She doesn't even judge my insanity, she just patiently answers my questions so I can sleep at night knowing it is just dry skin and not some kind of deadly skin parasite. ;)  Even Jeff trusts Lea's advice a lot.  In fact, most of our conversations regarding Sam (health or not) end with "Well, what does Lea think?" Trust me, that's saying something.

So... where am I going with this?  A few weeks ago, Lea started a new series on her blog called "Medical Mondays."  Basically, she has been covering different medical topics from the perspective of a mom and doctor.  It is REALLY informative and helpful, but easy to understand and personalized just enough.

If you are a mom, or not and just like stuff like this, I strongly recommend that you check out her posts.  Here is a list of what she's covered already with links:
Tylenol vs. Motrin (I'd be lying if I said I even knew there was a difference before this.)

And, a photo of Jonathan that I stole from her, just because he is adorable and this post was lacking cuteness.
Didn't Sam pick a handsome best friend?
I've already put in requests for posts on constipation, starting solid foods, dry skin, and head size.  What baby medical topics would you like broken down in mommy-language? She's good, I'm telling you!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Midweek Confessions - Back Up and Running

Hi there!  Did you think I'd abandoned blogging?  Rest assured, I just took a nice little "vacation" and now I'm hoping to be back in full swing.  What better way to kick start than with a few Midweek Confessions?

Shall we?

- I've confessed this before, but it is worth saying again... Far too often, I wash my sheets and then am too lazy to put them back on the bed.  As a result, when I get ready to go to bed, I pull out tons of blankets from our linen closet (thus making way MORE work for me later than if I had just taken a few minutes to put the sheets on) and sleep on the bare mattress pad with blankets.  We sleep like that until a.) I get the energy to put the sheets back on OR b.) someone is coming over that might see our bedroom.  *We slept this way last night and "a" is not looking good.

- I ordered a set of Baby Einstein videos a few weeks ago with a Groupon deal (it was too good to pass up), and have since gotten very bad about using them to "babysit" Sam while I do dishes/ make dinner/ mindlessly surf the internet.  I KNOW this is bad, but I just can't help myself.  They are a little educational.

- I feed Addy an inordinate amount of "human food" because I feel guilty that we don't give her as much attention anymore. I used to be so proud of her dinner table etiquette, but now she begs like the best of 'em. (And might be a little chubby.)

- I was playing around with my phone the other day and saw where I can disable the "sent from iPhone" signature on my email accounts.  I thought for a second that I should take it off, because it is kind-of annoying and unnecessary, but I decided to keep it on because I want to show off that I have an iPhone, and I don't want people to think I'm just sitting around at my computer responding to emails all day --- they need to realize that I am super busy and on-the-go. ;)

- I don't really respond to emails at all anymore.  If you have sent me one recently, rest assured that I READ it (on my iPhone, of course), but I am too lazy to type a response on the touch pad.  Side Note: I'm SORRY.  I will get better soon, promise.

- I have TONS to do this week, but so far my track record of "I'll just go to bed early tonight and stay up late tomorrow night" is NOT doing me any favors.  My only hope?  I've promised myself that I can catch up on the last few weeks of The Bachelor while I work tonight and tomorrow.  (Shh... Don't give anything away, I'm super behind!)

- I'm using breastfeeding as my only form of exercise.  Not.Good.

Ok, wow.  I thought I didn't have anything to write, but then it just started flowing.  I'm anxious to get back in the saddle and see what you are confessing this week.  Grab the button and link-up below whydon'tcha?

*I added this button to my sidebar too.  You like?

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Hey friends... I didn't really mean to take a "blog break" this week... But it looks like I did. Sorry about that. I will be back soon, but for now I'm enjoying a long weekend in the mountains with my boys and Jeff's family.

Have a good one!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Funny Valentine

This year, I made up fun little valentines using Picnik and Walmart one-hour to mail to Sam's grandmas, aunts, and babysitter...

I had fun with it and think they turned out cute. 

I have high hopes that as Sam gets older he will buy his Mommy flowers and chocolates and wear a pink polo on Feb. 14th.  I think he will be a romantic. (Remember how much Shakespeare he listened to in the womb?)

Tonight, I'll be celebrating at home with my two main men.  I did not make a cute craft or plan anything fancy.  We will eat crab cakes and watch "Lady and the Tramp" (Sam's valentine from his GiGi) in bed (the movie, not the crabcakes). Jeff will bring me sweet tart conversation hearts if he knows what's good for him

Being low-key on Valentine's Day is kind-of our thing.  And, honestly, I love that.
What did you do/are you doing for the loves in your life?  Go on, make me feel bad! ;)

P.S. I'm taking a little break from Midweek Confessions tomorrow.  Just not feeling it this week.  We'll be back.  You understand, right?

Monday, February 13, 2012

7 Months

Today is February 13th, and Sam is 7 months old.  (Yes, I'm posting this ON the actual date - a minor miracle, for sure.)

Here's a little update on my boy:

Size: My best guess is that Sam weighs around 22 pounds now.  Aside from some chunky legs and a little pot-belly, he still seems about average in weight and height.  Most of his clothes are 9 months now (some even 12 months) and he is comfortably wearing size 3 diapers. (Also, if you look closely, you will notice that we have graduated from monthly onesies to monthly t-shirts... So grown up!)

Development: We are still working on lifting that tummy to crawl, but he is getting closer every day.  He is also sitting for maybe 30 seconds at a time by himself, but he's honestly not particulary interested in it.  I'm pretty sure he prefers standing/jumping over sitting any day.  Maybe he will never be a sitter... Does that happen?  We are getting plenty of babbling and high pitch squeals lately.  And, most recently, he is really into holding his breath for fun. Cool.

Personality/ Likes & Dislikes: Sam is a little ham.  When we go out in public, he always draws a crowd by laughing out load and gasping with excitement.  A few weeks ago, at TJ Maxx, I literally couldn't get a bit of shopping done because he was so distracting.  (I suspect that his dad may be teaching him this trick to curb my spending!)  He is happy and playful and (mostly) easygoing.  Sam LOVES bath time and has started splashing and kicking so much that we ALL end up soaked.  He is also obsessed with jumping - in his exersaucer, the doorway bouncer, or someone's lap.  He does NOT like being changed or being on his back period.  In fact, changing a diaper has become a two-person contact sport at our house.  Wiggling is most definitely his favorite hobby as of now.  (We sing "wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle" from I'm Sexy and I Know It to him all the time --- Don't worry, we skip over the rest of the lyrics.) At night he moves all over his bed and, just yesterday, we moved his crib down to its lowest setting in preparation for when he starts pulling up on things.

Eating: He is really doing quite well with eating lately.  He usually makes a funny face when we first introduce a new food and then quickly gets over it and loves it.  He has mastered carrots, sweet potatoes, peas (kind-of), pears, apples, and bananas.  This past week, we've moved to Stage 2 baby food and he's liking pumpkin-apple, apple-cinnamon oatmeal, banana-mango cereal, and butternut squash-corn.  Eating is messy, but usually fun.  So far, we've had good luck with Earth's Best organic babyfood.  I'd like to give him more "fresh" food, but he isn't really into it and it would require me cooking... So we haven't done much of that yet.

We've also started a more regular eating and napping schedule (thanks to his great babysitter) in the last few weeks.  Most days look like this:

6:30AM - Nurse
7:00AM - Breakfast of cereal or oatmeal with fruit (usually Daddy feeds him)
8:30AM - Snack bottle (4 oz. pumped milk)
9:00AM - Morning nap (1 - 2 hours)
11:30AM - Lunch bottle (8 oz. pumped milk)
1:00PM - Afternoon nap (1 - 2.5 hours depending on the morning nap)
3:30PM - Snack bottle (8 oz. of pumped milk)
6:00PM - Dinner solids with us (usually about 4 ounces total of fruits and veggies)
6:30-7:00PM - Bath & bedtime routine
7:00 - 7:30PM - Bedtime bottle (8 oz. formula)
7:30PM - Bedtime

Sleeping: Naps are improving a lot which makes Mommy SO happy!  Night time sleep is still a work in progress... But we are getting there.  We are mostly guaranteed eight hours of sleep from around 7 or 8PM to about 3 or 4AM.  This would be much better if I actually went to bed at 7 or 8 too.  But really, usually he eats and goes right back to sleep until 6:30 or 7.  So, for now, I'll take it.

That's all for now! 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

12 in 12: February Check-In

Hope you all have had a good weekend so far.  We have been home with very little to do - a huge treat!  Since today is February 12th, I'm checking in with my "12 in 12" list for the new year.

When I wrote this list, I recognized that it isn't really something I can "check-off" each month.  It is more about changing some habits and my lifestyle, as well as tackling some larger projects (like 8-11) that will probably take a full year.  As per my usual, I haven't exactly been "on the ball" with making these changes, but I'm feeling good about taking some baby steps. (This year is about balance and showing myself some grace, so baby steps will have to do for now.)

Here's a quick review of the last 30(ish) days...

1 & 2 - Once I got my new iPhone, I downloaded a Bible reading app through YouVersion.  It basically gives me three-four chapters (starting with Genesis and moving through the whole Bible) plus a Psalm to read each day right on my phone.  My "plan" is to do this every morning while I'm feeding Sam and it is quiet and peaceful in his bedroom - one of my favorite times of the day.  Right now, I'm on Genesis Ch. 6.  SO... I'm not exactly on track, but it is a start.

3 & 4 - Um... Well, I also downloaded apps for both of these.  I'm starting with the Couch to 5K running plan - the app costs 99 cents, but it is really cool (or so it seems).  I also have the Weight Watchers mobile app and the food scanner --- SO, when I decide to get serious about this, I'll be all set.  <>  Let's hope for a better report on 3-12-12.

5. I'm happy to say that Sam IS getting on more of a schedule.  This is largely thanks to his wonderful babysitter, but we are doing much better at implementing a routine at home too.  More on this in his 7 month post tomorrow.

6. We DID have a date night on Jan. 30th.  It was a random Monday night and Jeff's brother and sister-in-law kept Sam so that we could sneak out for Mexican food (my favorite) and then we watched a movie at home.  It was very simple, but surprisingly, special.  I'm really looking forward to making this a priority every month.

7.made a weekly chore schedule.  (Should I post this, would anyone care?)  I am doing a much better job at staying on top of basic daily tasks like washing dishes and straightening the house, but I'm still struggling to stay on top of laundry, vacuuming, etc. Baby steps.  Baby steps.

8. In.the.process.  This is probably the area I've made the most progress on so far.  Sad?  Maybe.  Fun? Definitely.

9. I've thought about a book idea.  Does that count for anything?

10. I have lots of ideas for this, and, thanks to Bachelor of the Week and Midweek Confessions, we've had lots of visitors here lately. (Thank YOU for helping with this goal!) Also, have I mentioned that I'm planning to go to the BlogHer conference in August? (Anyone else?)  I have lots of goals for my blog before then and hope to take a lot away from it too.

11. Does taking photos on my iPhone count?  I've done a little better with that.  Here's one of my "improved" photos - courtesy of instagram and two of my favorite guys.

12.  Doing better on most days.  In fact, one day last week I actually saw the sun rise... from MY OFFICE.  Let's just focus on that.

So, sorry if this is the most boring post ever.  It is really more for me than anyone else.  BUT, hopefully it has reminded you of some of your goals for 2012.  How are you doing so far?

P.S. Can you BELIEVE it is the middle of February already?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Midweek Confessions

Is it just me, or does there seem to be a Wednesday every single week? ;)  It's time for some more Midweek Confessions to fuel your hump day.  Enjoy...

- One night last week, I decided to take Sam's stuffy nose into my own hands and "attack" the air in his bedroom. In an effort to give him more direct moisturization, I rigged the humidifier up on several diaper and wipes boxes so that it was right next to his crib and turned it on the highest setting.  I genuinely felt good about this decision.  Well, attack I did.  Approximately four hours later, Sam woke up because his bed was literally SOPPING wet.  Mother of the year.  (Hey, my heart was good.  You live you learn.)

- Poppy always refers to Sam as "she" or "her."  This makes Jeff SO mad, but I don't really correct it because I think it is funny.  (As a side note, he also announced at dinner last night that "She" (meaning Sam) reminds him a lot of his cat.)   That's one for the baby book.

- I didn't watch the Super Bowl.  I don't care ONE BIT about it; but, I truly look forward to the event because of "football food" like wings, dips, and chips.  Also, two of our friends host "fry parties" every year - yes, you read that right -  where everyone brings something they want to deep fry.  It is a heart attack on a plate.  And delicious.

- I really don't think it is healthy for me to be a mother, hold a job, or operate a motor vehicle as long as the iphone is part of my life.  I'm addicted already folks.  Prayers please?

Ok... what are you confessing this week?  Spit it out (and link up below). ;)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What to take to the hospital when you are in labor

Several of my close friends/relatives are expecting their first baby any day now... I am SO excited for each of them, and feel like it was just yesterday that I was packing a hospital bag (or 20) and waiting around for Baby C to decide he was ready to make his grand entrance into the world. 

I'm sure all of these friends are 100% prepared already; but, I thought this might be a good time to share my list of what I took to the hospital when Sam was born (you know, in case you've been wondering about it for the last seven months).

Yes, I took (and used) ALL of this.  Of course, it's important to point out that I was in the hospital a total of 4 nights, so I had more time to use things. (It also was summer - so depending on the weather, your list might change a little.)  I was especially glad that I took my own pillow, a cozy robe, and my blowdryer, straightener, and make-up.  It sounds kind-of vain, but it really did make such a difference when I actually felt clean and pretty. I was also really thankful for the itzbeen timer (you know how I love it) and the obvious things like my camera and cell phone.

There were also several things on my list that I decided I really didn't need next time around - snacks, for example.  And, some things I wished I'd had even more of - like outfits/hats/and blankets for Sam.  The hospital will provide all of that stuff, but it was all labeled in big black permanent marker with the hospital's name - hideous in photos. ;) I also wish I'd taken my own bath towel and a little fan --- I was BURNING UP during labor and no one in the whole hospital could seem to get their hands on a fan!  Haha.

I totally felt like I was moving in to the hospital when we checked in the night before Sam was born (well, really Jeff looked like it --- I just walked in carrying my cute gown and got in bed like a diva); but, in the end, it was worth it.

Moms, what did you think was the most important item you had at the hospital?  What should be added to this list?

*Midweek Confessions will be up again tomorrow.  See you then!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Just my hair

LOVED the response to my Bachelor of the Week post on Friday.  You all are so fun.  If I haven't responded to your email yet, I'm getting there - promise.  And, I assure you, "Secret Agent Man" is keeping up with ALL of your comments.  :) Also, thanks for the feedback about my new baby iphone yesterday... I've chosen a case that I'll be "unveiling" soon (I think it is the perfect mix of cute and practical), and am working on the Instagram and Blogger issues. As always, you guys are the best!

Ok... I'll go ahead and tell you right now -- this post is lame.  But, I wanted to document some of the random changes my hair has gone through since pregnancy.  Feel free to skip this post if you want. Consider yourself warned.

Let's begin over a year ago in January of 2011... As you know, my pregnancy began with some serious hair loss.  In fact, I had to get to get it cut pretty short because it was just so thin... Remember this look?

Then, as it progressed (and my hormones when WILD), I grew a bit of a poof on top.  Below is a photo taken just ten days before Sam was born.  (Please, pay no attention to the fact that I also gained 40 pounds in those six months... We're focusing on my HAIR here, ok.)

Then, shockingly, after Sam was born, my hair began to fall out again.  In fact, Jeff said there for a while I was shedding more than Addy - it really was a problem.

And now, my hair is trying to catch up and find a lovely balance (why thank you hair), but the process is not pretty...  Check out these little goodies.

Another strange post-pregnancy realization... I think my hair actually darkened during pregnancy.

Do you guys notice it, or am I just crazy?  (Jeff says I'm crazy.)  Has this happened to anyone else?

Anyway, on the bright side, I'm finally checking off "grow my hair out past my shoulders" from my 30 Before 30 List.  For a while, I really thought this wasn't going to be possible - but I made it.

Here's photographic evidence for the records:

Before Haircut - at Meg's baby shower on January 7th

After haircut - Daniel's birthday dinner night January 21st.
Told you it was lame. :) Have a good Monday!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

My New Love

I'm coming to you live today from... MY NEW iPHONE! 

Oh friends, I am in love!

Surprisingly, it has been much easier to navigate and use than I expected.  I'm already a (free) app downloading fool.  Here are some screen shots of my progress so far...

Clearly, I'm going to become the best blogger/pinner/tweeter/Bible-reader/dieter/runner ever known.  I've got high expectations for how this phone is going to change my life.  :)

I do have a few questions, however, for you veterans out there:

1.) Is it possible to view my Blogger dashboard/ read other blogs from my phone?  I've downloaded the Blogger app, which lets me write posts like this one, but it doesn't allow me to read all the blogs I follow. 

2.) Can someone explain Instagram a little to me?  I downloaded the app and can take photos now, but I don't really understand how people do those "My Week in Instagram" photo blogs etc.  Do I just have to email each photo to myself and post it from there?

3.) What did you do in terms of a case for your phone?  I always thought I wanted a super-cute monogrammed snap-on cutie; but, now that I own this delicate little thing (and a baby who wants to touch/eat/throw everything) I feel like I need something a little sturdier.  Any recommendations there?

4.) What apps can you not live without?

... Expect lots more on my iphone to come.  I'm obsessed.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Bachelor of the Week #9: Secret Agent Edition

Ok... It's been a while since I've done one of these, but they seem to be quite a hit.  Plus, if Kelly says it's cool, it must be.  So here goes...

Ladies, meet the man of your dreams...

Bachelor #9:
"Secret Agent Man"
(Real Estate Agent that is)

New Listing:
- Single White Male
- Age: 32
- Hometown: Roanoke, Virginia
- Studied Secondary Education at Clemson University
- Currently a Residential Real-Estate Agent in Roanoke
- Restores and sells vintage cars on the side
- Comes with or without a beard

I like a lot of things about this guy... I like that he is a Clemson TIGER.  I like that he is a dog-guy.  I like that he loves Jesus and the mission of Young Life.  I like that he is a professional but doesn't take himself too seriously, and that he seems to always be in the middle of a crazy adventure.  But, probably most, I like that he can rock croakies and a tie OR jorts and a trucker hat just the same.  This guy is FUN.

Bachelor #9 is all about making the most out of this life and laughing as he goes. He isn't afraid to be silly, wear a crazy costume, or get dirty.  And, he has mastered the art of dry wit.

Here's what he had to say about himself:

"I am very joyful and feel that aside from finding the right girl, I have a perfect life. I love telling my dog 'Beef' that she’s pretty,  helping old ladies cross the street, and anything outdoors.  I love Clemson Football, when we play with heart. I love mountain biking, running, playing tennis, and working out several times a week. I have always enjoyed working with my hands and anything that is a challenge... I own a house and am always trying to find projects to remodel and make updates.  But my real passion is restoring old European sports cars, Land Rovers, and Jeeps.  Currently I’m working on a VW van with a friend to drive across the U.S. and for camping.  I love road trips of any distance and taking time to enjoy everything along the way. For everyday life, I drive an ’84 Mercedes, it has a bike rack, can run on veggie oil, and I love it. I believe in having nice things, while living simply. There is a lot of comfort in not competing with the world to always obtain more.  I also enjoy spontaneously going to see concerts: country, 80s, indy, and oldies music. Oh, and I drink beer on the weekends and out with friends but I know Jesus still loves me."     

Family is important to "Secret Agent Man."  Most of his family lives locally, and he has a great relationship with them. Growing up in the south, his parents taught him early on to be polite to women, open doors, and pay for dinner... 

His ideal date would involve driving around a neat small town to look at the cool architecture and stores, then a casual tennis game or long run together.  Afterwards, they'd run by the store to pick up some salmon to fix on the grill (He has a great salmon recipe), get cleaned up, have a glass of cheap wine, and listen to oldies, while making dinner. If the mood struck (and the right song), he'd surely woo her with his shag dance moves.  (If you've never seen a Southern boy shag, you are guaranteed to MELT the first time.)  After dinner, they'd settle in for a movie then go for a walk with Beef, no matter how cold it is.   

Sound like a deal or what?

In a girl, he is looking for "someone who would be described as having tons of personality.  She needs to be witty and confident in who she is.  She needs to love Jesus and know who He is in her life.  Being at least pretty physically active is a must, otherwise she probably won’t really like hanging out with me, because I don’t like watching TV too often.  As far as her looks, I am not looking for someone that everyone looks at when she enters a restaurant, I’m looking for someone that some may glance over, but a couple will say 'that girl is strikingly beautiful'.  Sort of a best friend that I think is a knockout.  Brad Paisley wrote about her in the song 'The World'. I hope to find a girl who is classy in the way she acts and dresses, yet is not so focused on what people see to find her worth there."

Alright... if you fit the bill, act now!  This bachelor won't be on the market long! ;)
Email me at or leave a comment for Bachelor #9.

Deciphering Your Wife 101

Not that I know any of this from personal experience, but... Men, take note!

She says:

"Does this outfit look ok?"

You say:

Option A: It really does - tell her so.  In fact, make a big deal about how great she looks.

Option B: It is not your favorite, but she clearly likes it and/or is running late - tell her it looks good.

Option C: She is not in a hurry AND adds "you can tell me the truth" or "I really want your honest opinion" - tell her you don't love it, but that she can pull it off if she really wants to.

Option D: Her butt is hanging out/she looks like a porn star/she might lose her job if she wears it to work - just say "your butt is hanging out/ you look like a porn star/ you might lose your job if you wear that to work."  Some women just need to be told.

Note: Under NO circumstances do you say a woman looks fat.  Even if Option C or D apply.


P.S.  I've got a little Bachelor of the Week action in store for you tomorrow... Get ready!! :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Midweek Confessions

Thanks for bearing with me this morning and for your comments reminding me that I'm not alone.  I really do feel better after just putting the truth out there.  Amazing how freeing confession is.

With that in mind, here are the rest of my confessions for the week:

- Since we started solid foods and one bottle of formula per day, Sam's diapers have become a whole new ballgame.  I'm pretty sure every outfit he has had on his body (at least three per day) in the last week have giant brownish/yellow stains up the back.  I simply cannot do a load of laundry every time there is a "leak."  Also, his room might kind-of smell like poop. (That's right. I'm starting this party off right... with a little poop talk.)

- I just can't stop watching The Bachelor.  I love it too much.  I feel the same way about it that I do about cheetos -- I know they are fake and bad for me, but they are just so darn good.

- I'm serious about thank-you notes. (See this post.)  But, it is the first of February and I STILL have not finished writing my Christmas notes.  Speaking of which, Aunt Delores, thank you SO much for giving Sam the two adorable outfits back in January.  He wears the sweet little lambie one all the time (pay no attention to the above poop confession), and we can't wait to show off his green Polo duds for St. Paddy's Day.  *Yes, I just used my blog to write a thank you note.  I could have at least had the courtesy to send an email. Who am I?

- My poor dog is SO dirty.  She has a giant knot of fur and dirt and god-knows-what-else behind one of her ears.  And, her filthy hair is literally TAKING OVER my house.  She is getting shaved tomorrow.  It's been an unseasonably warm winter, ok?  The appointment is already made.

- Recently, after I go through Sam's entire "night-time routine," I'm totally exhausted myself and have to go to bed.  I'm pretty sure some friends stopped by on Sunday night to visit (Addy went crazy at the door), but left because all the lights were out in the house.  It was no later than 8PM.

- I am getting an iphone SOON.  This is the highlight of my life right now.  Sentence two is my confession.

Ok ladies, fess up! 

Grab the button and link up your Midweek Confessions post below!

I get a little jealous sometimes

I typed up this whole post last night as my Midweek Confession post, but then decided it was too serious...  Either way, it is a confession (see title), and I do want to share it... So here goes.

I've never really considered myself a jealous person; but recently, that ugly little bug has been really sneaking into my brain.  (Sick!  Bugs in the brain?  Jealousy is NOT pretty folks.)

A lot of my jealousy stems from being a part of the blog world.  See, by nature, people that blog like attention.  (I'm sorry if that sounds like a stereotype - I'm sure there are some people out there who blog and truly don't like attention... But, if that's the case, I'm kind-of confused about why you don't just journal.) I like attention.  I'm sure that confession doesn't come as a surprise to anyone that knows me.  I've always been a bit of a performer if you will.  Anyway, attention seeking was not  my primary reason for starting a blog (or for continuing it for that matter), but I wouldn't be being honest if I didn't admit that it is an "added bonus" I quite enjoy.  The attention, that is... The idea that people like reading what I write.  That people think I am funny, or likeable, or a decent writer.  Look, "Words of Affirmation" is my love language - and blogging is like an IV of that drug on most days. :)

BUT, when you find even just a little bit of your identity in something like blogging, it leaves a lot of room for ugly things to get in there too.  I play the comparing game a lot.  Facebook used to be the culprit, but now I think it is really more blogs.  That person always looks SO cute - you can't even tell she had a baby.  I wish my house looked more like hers.  I wish I had the money to decorate like she does.  I wish I could stay home and be as organized as her.  Her kids wear the best clothes - Sam just wears footsie pjs most days.  I must be a bad mom because my baby hasn't hit the milestones that her's has.  And even... The really ridiculous ones like: Her blog has WAY more followers than me.  What has she done that's made her blog grow so fast?  If I didn't work, I could have a better blog like theirs.  Why do people want to sponsor her blog and not mine?  My blog would probably be a lot bigger if I was a better photographer and posted more pictures like she does. Etc. etc. etc.

Shoot... Yesterday when a blogger I read & admire (who, to my knowledge does NOT know my blog at all and certainly was not privy to my private email conversations about the "Little Mister" baby shower I'm co-hosting in a few weeks) posted photos from a shower she threw with a "Little Man" theme,  I was kind-of pissedI can't compete with her shower.  I probably won't even blog about ours anymore... It's been done now.  How CRAZY is that?  See... I've got it bad.

Jealousy is nasty, and I'm NOT proud of this confession. 

But, I think it is something most of you can at least sort-of relate to. (I wrote a little bit about this in another MC post, and many of you commented that you understood.) 

Why do women do this to themselves?

The community that I love being a part of and have made so many connections and, really, friends, through... The community that makes me feel "normal" and "understood" so often.  That same community makes me feel bad about myself some days.  Paralyzes me into not being able to write ANYTHING.  That stinks. 

This (jealousy, comparing, etc.) is a battle I've been fighting (we've been fighting) for a LONG time.  If it's not one thing - a boyfriend, a husband, a better job, a bigger house, a better cook, a more popular blog - it's another. 

So... I'm confessing it today.  I'm looking that ugly little stinker right in the face and admitting that I've let it control my thoughts and feed me lies for too long.  Then, I'm moving on.  

I'm NOT looking for more affirmation (not today anyways), so please don't leave me a comment doing that (seriously).  I just want to put it out there.  I want to start the conversation out loud that we have in our head too often. Let's talk about it.  Let's relate.  And then, let's let go of it

*The real (much more light-hearted) Midweek Confessions post will be up this evening, please come back. :)