Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Midweek Confessions

Is it just me, or does there seem to be a Wednesday every single week? ;)  It's time for some more Midweek Confessions to fuel your hump day.  Enjoy...

- One night last week, I decided to take Sam's stuffy nose into my own hands and "attack" the air in his bedroom. In an effort to give him more direct moisturization, I rigged the humidifier up on several diaper and wipes boxes so that it was right next to his crib and turned it on the highest setting.  I genuinely felt good about this decision.  Well, attack I did.  Approximately four hours later, Sam woke up because his bed was literally SOPPING wet.  Mother of the year.  (Hey, my heart was good.  You live you learn.)

- Poppy always refers to Sam as "she" or "her."  This makes Jeff SO mad, but I don't really correct it because I think it is funny.  (As a side note, he also announced at dinner last night that "She" (meaning Sam) reminds him a lot of his cat.)   That's one for the baby book.

- I didn't watch the Super Bowl.  I don't care ONE BIT about it; but, I truly look forward to the event because of "football food" like wings, dips, and chips.  Also, two of our friends host "fry parties" every year - yes, you read that right -  where everyone brings something they want to deep fry.  It is a heart attack on a plate.  And delicious.

- I really don't think it is healthy for me to be a mother, hold a job, or operate a motor vehicle as long as the iphone is part of my life.  I'm addicted already folks.  Prayers please?

Ok... what are you confessing this week?  Spit it out (and link up below). ;)


  1. I've been waiting for a good poppy story :-) very funny.

  2. I was the same way with the Superbowl this year. In fact, we didn't even go anywhere to watch it because it was too close to N's bedtime. I Facebooked while Hubs watched the game.

  3. yes linds I agree it was definitely time for some poppy-isms! That one made me laugh out loud. oh I love and miss poppy.

  4. I think we all have those "mother of the year" moments! I locked my baby girl in the house when she was 4 months old! I was so traumatized but she was just fine. :) Thanks for hosting- this is my first time linking up.

  5. Hmmm I love that kind of food! Yummm!

  6. Too funny that Poppy refers to Sam as "she" or "her." And a cat?? Haha, would love to know what his reasoning was. :)

  7. You need to do a total blog, dedicated to Poppy!!! he has said some pretty hysterical things in the past seven months!!!! How in the world does Sam remind him of Charlotte Martin??? I missed that one!! Lordy Lord, Lord!!

  8. My only confession was about how much I love super bowl food. Lame. I'll try to think of something else to link up with next week!

  9. OH MY GOODNESS! We have totally HAD a fry party before! We have an annual event the Saturday after Thanksgiving where we deep fry stuff (we figure we're eating a ton that weekend anyway, HA)! It was supposed to be the Friday after Thanksgiving, so we could call it Deep Fri-Day... but alas, our friends could only do Saturday. My husband is OBSESSED with his deep fryer! I thought we were the only people in the world possibly that had done such a thing... glad to know we're not alone!

  10. Dear Elizabeth,

    Your comment on my confessions post perfectly characterizes our friendship. 1. We have to do everything the same. And 2. You measure the success of our friendship based upon the number of trashy shows that I now watch on a regular basis. Yes, I admit, that if we subscribed to cable TV, I would probably watch What Not to Wear.

    I love you very much,

  11. You made me laugh about the Super Bowl! We didn't watch either (well, my hubs fell asleep on the couch watching it) but I do enjoy the party food that goes with it, too! & the he vs she with your! Sam will be mortified he was compared to a cat one day, ah, such good stuff! Thanks for hosting, love getting it all out each week!

  12. This is such a fun link up, I loving seeing what everyone has to say! Thanks for hosting. I think we all have a mother of the year moment....I locked my daughter in the car at Costco once. The (very attractive) firemen were called to come unlock the door.....yea that was a fun day!


  13. hiiii, i stumbled on your blog from kelly's korner. i just wanted to say hi! i'm a fellow hokie, finishing up my last semester. it's great to see such a wonderful happy family; i hope that i someday get to experience this. i'll keep on reading!


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