Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Midweek Confessions

It's that time again... Sorry I'm so late today!

Honestly, I feel like my life is just one big confession these days.  House a disaster? Check.  Fast food two days in a row. Check.  Entirely too much caffeine. Check.  Going to bed too early without accomplishing anything? Check. Oversleeping and then acting like a crazy person trying to get out the door in the morning? Check. Taking baby out in public in only a diaper and zip-up hoodie (because he spit up all over everything else)? Check. Haveing bitten off more than I can chew in virtually every area of my life? Check. Check and CHECK.

Yep, that about sums things up...

We aren't sleeping much around here anymore.  Who needs it?!?  I have Sam's teething, ear infection, stuffiness, and general PM-induced grumpiness to thank for that fact. The only good thing about my 11PM - 2AM "hang-out" time with Sam?  The full bag of jellybeans I devoured during that time...  Love it.

Also, in case I haven't told you, I'm pretty convinced that I birthed an actual vampire.  I was suspicious because of his extremely pale skin; but, now that the pediatrician has, in fact, confirmed that he is getting "fangs" (translation: his incisors are coming in before his front two teeth), I'm certain.  This would certainly explain some of his undesirable nighttime rituals...  Oh well, I'll love him just the same; and, thankfully, vampires are totally in right now.  So hot.

Sorry this is lame, it's just all I have in me today.  Link up so people can read something of quality, ok? ;)


  1. haha the vampire comment made me laugh... hang in there... it's almost the weekend!

  2. Lame? I'd say more like hilarious. Baby vampire. I bet you could get a movie made about him and be bajillionaire!

  3. Harry got his incisors before his top teeth too. Baby fangs!

  4. That entire first paragraph sounds exactly like my life right now. Good to know I am not alone.

  5. Oh my gosh! I never thought of it as being fangs! Jackson's teeth grew in the same way. Incisors first, but the two in-between cut through within a week so it never resembled fangs I guess. You're right though, vampires are all the rage haha :)

  6. I just made an appointment for my 14 month old because she still only had her two bottom teeth and the incisors are just poking through. Your confession just made me feel a TON better. I was getting worried that she might not have ANY top front teeth at all. Maybe they just know vampires are "in" these days. :-)

  7. This may be my favorite blog post ever - hysterical! I love you!

  8. I don't know how Kate Gosselin did it pre-TLC and nannies... I'm certain I would have forgotten a child at the grocery store or sent a couple to grandma's house for an extended (rest of their life) stay. I kid, but I'm semi-serious... this whole adding kids to the mix is no stress-free picnic. Xo

  9. definitely not lame! I can relate on many levels.

  10. I just had to get on here and comment that I got some Dr. Pepper chap-stick and you are SO right! It is yummy and gives the perfect amount of color! I am a Diet Dr. Pepper addict so I thought I would like it. Love it! Cheap and quirky high quality beauty product! ;)

  11. I love you honey, and i so remember everything you are writing about, except the fangs....your teeth were and are, still perfect!!! Sam's will be too!!!
    i'll drink to that!!

  12. I'm fairly convinced I'm part vampire. Prior to the past week (I've been sick)...I can not make myself go to bed at night. I sleep the best sleep ever...once it's daylight. I joke about it...but's kind of weird.


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