Monday, April 9, 2012

Little Blog Break

Hey guys.  In about an hour, Sam and I are heading south with my friend Meg and her two month old little Ruby to visit our friend Courtney - who is expecting a baby girl in August... (Yep, Sam will be going on his first official back-seat date today.  Luckily, he and Ruby have invited both of their moms along to keep it clean.  Such good kids.)

Anyway, as I write this, I am literally surrounded by piles of laundry, and I haven't packed a thing.  I'm sure you all are shocked, really.

So... I'm taking a little blog spring break for a few days.  It wasn't my intention, but I want to be fully present with my girlfriends and just relax a bit.  Because you are wonderful, I know you understand.

As you probably noticed, I never got my story published yesterday.  Sorry about that. I started writing it, I really did, but the process proved to be much harder than I anticipated.  There is just so much I want to say, and I don't want to just get it down, I want to say it right and have it mean something.  So, look for that some time in the near future.  Sorry!

Also, lots of pictures of Baby's First Easter coming soon.  For now, here's one my sister posted on Instagram yesterday --- isn't my boy the cutest thing you've ever seen?  And, yes, Jeff and I look like dwarfs that have never seen the sun.

Ya'll follow her (kat5886) - she's funny, beautiful, and doesn't have many followers ;)

See you later this week!


  1. I'm so jealous that you girls are getting to hang out! have so so so so much fun! maybe i'll just surprise you and make the 8 hr drive down tomorrow morning :-)

  2. Hello Elizabeth,
    I just left you a comment over on Karen's blog.

    I'm a new follower.

    Enjoy your break with friends. :)

  3. enjoy the blog break! perhaps when you're back you can answer my question: i have the same pink ruffled loft dress but did you alter yours? the front doesn't seem to be as deep of a v. just wondering : )


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