Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Midweek Confessions

Hello again.  Worst blogger ever here. Sorry friends - the next thirty days are ROUGH in terms of my job.  Also, Sam has had a double ear infection (again), and both Jeff and I are suffering with bad allergies/not sleeping at night because of a sick baby so.... Excuses, excuses.  Anyway, how about a few confessions?

- Four nights out of five, I go to bed having done absolutely NOTHING to prepare for the next day and set my alarm for 5AM to have plenty of time to do everything in the morning.  Four mornings out of five, I sleep through my 5AM alarm, and my 5:30, 6, & 6:30 ones, only to jump out of bed at 7AM and run around like a wacko to get out of the house in 45 minutes with a baby. Fail.  (This might be a repeat, sorry!  I only do so many embarrassing things in a week people!)

- I have weasled my way in to the school play in order to cross another item off my 30 Before 30 list.  Yes, you read that right.  I have my big debut as Betty Blast in Footloose this weekend.  (More to come on that for sure.)

- I used to judge moms with babies who had runny/snotty noses all the time.  Now I have that baby and I am that mom.  My sister would say "Karma's a b*^%^."

- I skipped church on Sunday to clean my house and catch up on laundry right after I posted my testimony for all the world to see.  It might not have been from a Saturday night hangover, but even "good Christian girls" skip church for bad reasons sometimes.

- In our conversations about me possibly getting to be a SAHM sometime, I always promise Jeff that I will cut back on my spending and live more "frugally."  I am sincere in that promise, but I also have the strong desire to "stock up" on new clothes and stuff now while we are both working.  This totally goes against the "long-term plan," but it makes perfect sense in my mind.

- Almost every time I rent a movie from Redbox, I never watch it, and I forget to return it for at least six days.  Nothing like flushing $6.00 down the drain.

Ok... It's been a while.  I'd love to hear what you are confessing today!


  1. Love this. I've seen some other blogs do midweek confessions,and I guess you are the original. Great post. I know what you mean about the mornings. I'm a stay-at-home mom, but had a career for many years prior to having children. It's wonderful, and difficult, too.

  2. I feel your pain. I do the same thing every single day with the alarm. It's bad. I am laughing at the stocking up. Makes perfect sense to me : )

  3. I am notorious for renting movies and not watching them! Best intentions, but what a waste!

  4. I started following you awhile back when Sam's nursery was featured and I have to tell you I love your blog. I also live in Roanoke, am a (future) teacher, my husband went to Clemson, and I too get Redbox movies and never watch them! Thanks for the entertaining posts. I finally linked up for Midweek Confessions!


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