Sunday, April 22, 2012

My Theater Debut

Well, I survived my theater debut without "breaking a leg" as they say - which is a good thing, because I was on roller skates!

Back in December, when our drama club announced that the spring production would be Footloose, I knew I had to weasle my way in! One of my 30 Before 30 goals is to be in a play; and well, Broadway wasn't really an option. ;)

Anyway, they cast me as Betty Blast - the Burger Joint owner, and I have exactly five lines - six if you count the fact that there is a slight pause in one.  It's nothing to brag about (although, you know I still do); but, I did get to wear a microphone taped to my face a' la Brittany Spears. 

Here's a photo Jeff took on his phone Friday night.  My dad took some much better ones (yes, I was the teacher with a whole posse in the crowd - cameras and all - for a little cameo), but I didn't want to post clear pictures of students on the internet without their permission... At least you can get the idea.

A few thoughts...

Being in a play is a BIG endeavor.  I was lucky enough to show up for a few practices here and there and it was no big deal; but, many of these kids practiced every afternoon for months leading up to the show, and were at school until the wee hours many a night the week of.  From my own experience as a high schooler and sadly, now as a teacher, I know that they don't get nearly the attention and credit they deserve.  There was SO much talent on that stage.  Several of the lead characters were only 14 or 15 years old, and many were brand new to the school this year. It takes GUTS to sing and dance infront of your peers... Truly, I was honored to be a part of it all.

Also, I think it was really good for me to do something "fun" and get to interact with students again right now.  I'm entering a really really busy season for testing, and I often feel like the "grim reaper" of standardized tests.  Getting to hang out with the kids "after hours" and having that role reversal where they were the experts and I had a lot to learn from them was a much needed perspective check.  I remembered this week (even though I missed being home with Sam for bedtime and fell a lot behind on housework) why I love my job.  I know many of you are teachers too, so if you ever have the opportunity to do something like this, even if it is just working the curtains or set-design, I strongly recommend it.  We are always "too busy," but it is worth it.  This week/weekend was one of the busiest I've had in a while; but, I still feel like I'll start the work week Monday feeling refreshed and energized. (Also on that note, you wouldn't believe how much the kids appreciate you just attending the shows.  They were constantly telling eachother what teachers were in the audience and where they were sitting.)

That's why I made my 30 Before 30 list... To keep me young and alive!  It is working.  So, here's to crossing one more off the list!

4. Perform in a play


  1. That's so awesome!!! I wish our school cast teachers in mini-roles. I was a theater nerd in hs and I miss it so much. It looks like you had a blast!! So fun!

  2. Eeeekk...SO FUN!!! I am totally jealous! Lately I have been thinking I should find a play to join (there are several community theater groups around here)...I go back and forth. I think it would be super fun, but then again...I'm really lazy and would hate to be obligated to go to play practice a bunch of evenings and Saturdays. So who knows if I'll ever try. Glad you did, though!

  3. This makes me smile so big! I just got home from rehearsal - i love theater & have been acting or stage managing at our local theater for the last 6 years. I loved it in high school, too. It always makes me happy when someone gets into theater a bit that never has before! And yay for checking another 30 before 30 thing off your list! :)

  4. Congratulations. I did plays, too when I was in my 20s. I've not tackled here in Raleigh, and now that I've kids. In my 20s, we had a small community theatre in my town, but Raleigh's shows are a little bigger, but it is such a commitment. I can't imagine all the practices now having the kids.

    Ok, it's official. I'm moving your link to my sidebar so I can access your blog easily. I've commented on every post, and it's now been 30 minutes. I ignore a lot of what is in my google reader on a daily basis because I just don't have a lot of time so I think putting your blog on my sidebar will remedy that.


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