Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Thank You Jessica Simpson

I'd like to take a moment to publicly proclaim my appreciation for Jessica Simpson. (Never thought I'd do this...)

THANK YOU for showing the world (or at least Hollywood) what a REAL pregnant woman looks like.
From one Big Mama to Another,E


  1. While I have never been pregnant, I have deeply enjoyed her talk show tours while 8+ months pregnant. Makes me want to give her a hug...and I am not a hugger.

  2. funny post! I'm thinking maybe this dress isn't the most flattering!

  3. Oh girl, I'm right there with you. By the end, the only pregnancy glow I had was fluid-based.

  4. bahaha. Those boobs are ridiculous ;) but go girl. I heard she signed a multi million dollar deal with weight watchers so she'll look amazing in no time!

  5. I also gained 50 pounds 30 of it during the last month of my first pregnancy, diabetes and preeclampsia. I was miserable!

  6. Amen, sister! But now I'm angry due to an above comment...why can't I be paid millions of dollars to lose weight?!?!?!?! That's just the motivation I need! NOT FAIR.

  7. Hallelujah amen. Finally a REAL looking person in Hollywood! Makes the rest of us rest in peace a little bit!

  8. Haha holy moly her ladies have gotten massive! Oh the joys of pregnancy... :)

  9. I was just talking about this over the weekend. I love that she is completely unapologetic about gaining weight and her gigantic boobs, and I am not usually her biggest fan.

  10. I love her unapologetic attitude... but that doesn't make women who didn't look like this during pregnancy less "real" :)

  11. oh my gosh I totally agree with you! SHe looks JUST like a pregnant person SHOULD! I get so irritated with reading negative stories about her!

  12. I saw her on the cover of Elle in the airport and it drew me in as I walked past the store. She's looking big, but not a bad "big", but a pregnant mama who isn't starving herself.


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