Sunday, May 13, 2012

Dear Sam, Love Mama

Dear Sam,
I know technically this my first Mother's Day, but I celebrated last year too; because I already felt like your mama then.  I already loved you and worried about you and all the other things mamas do.  It is hard to believe that's been a whole year ago (even crazier that you are TEN months old today!).  Some parts of me feel like I've been a mama for my whole life, even when I was six and wrapping up beach towels to be my "baby," and other parts of me still can't really grasp that it is real... This is my life now.  You are MY boy. I am a MOM. Thank you sweet boy for making me a mama.  It is the hardest "job" I've ever had; but, it is (by far) my most favorite.  It is my proudest accomplishment and my biggest ambition.  I love you bud.

P.S. I'll forgive you for not saying "Happy Mother's Day" when you woke up at 6AM today.  But, next year, game on! ;)

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there today!  And, a special word and prayer for those moms that are still waiting for their own sweet baby... I hope you will feel peace and hope today, and know that you are NOT forgotten.
Absolutely LOVE this.  Free printable from Free printable from Simple As That Blog.

Be sure to come back tomorrow for the first in my guest post series A Letter to New Moms, which will be going on all week while I endure standardized testing hell. And, start writing your own letters now for the link-up to be hosted right here one week from today.  :)


  1. Happy first Mother's Day, E. I always knew you would be the best mom in the really are. I am very very proud of you, love you, Jeff and Sam so very much! Enjoy your very special day with precious Sam!!

  2. What a beautiful post! Hope you had a good Mother's Day and that your week goes well.


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