Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Midweek Confessions

Yes, they just keep coming...

- I like Justin Bieber.  (I guess that's kind-of a confession in and of itself.)  I think he is talented.  (Yep, just called J.B. talented.)  BUT, and maybe it's the high school teacher in me, I get a little creeped out by him dancing seductively (i.e. on The Voice last night) with grown women... He looks 12.  Sorry.

- Productive at Work = Total Sloth at Home; Productive at Home = Train Wreck at Work.  #welcometomyworld

- Still don't use Twitter with any regularity; but, I still like the hashtag.  I'm getting pretty good at it, no?

- I get annoyed by the "code words" lots of blogs require you to enter in order to comment on a post.  (Yes, I'm talking to YOU... But, in the nicest possible way.)   I get the words wrong more than 50% of the time and, it is just an unnecessary waste of time.  I mean, I get it, I had it on my blog too for a while; but, really, I've been code word free for over a year and have yet to have a robot leave a comment.

- I judge tanning bed users.  Yes, I'm partially bitter because I'm pale and freckly (i.e. prone to scary skin stuff ), but really... why do people still do this?  I can't think  of a single valid reason.  I really pride myself on not being judgemental in most things; but I make an exception for this.  Sorry?

Guess I'm kinda feisty today.  (I haven't even hit "Publish" yet, and I'm already feeling really guilty about the last two confessions...You know I love you, right?)

Go ahead. Give me a taste of my own medicine...


  1. Oh my gosh, thank you! I hate those darn code words.

    I'm also quite pale and freckly, I feel ya on that last one as well. Plus I can't justify spending my hard earned money on something that the sun would provide free of charge!

  2. OK-- I hate the codewords, too. But I took mine off like 2 months ago and I get several spam comments per week. But it doesn't bother me (Blogger filters them, so they don't get posted)...I think all people should remove the codewords!! OK I feel the same way about the tanning beds. I'm sure you loved last week's amazing news story about the Tanning Bed Mom!! If not, be sure to look it up. It even got an SNL spoof!!

  3. I know I've said it already but your new design is really cool and I loved putting the new midweek confessions button on my post! :)

  4. um hate the code words!!!

    yeah, in this day and age I don't get tanning bed usage at all. (says the girl with lots of freckles and has to see a dermatologist every 9 months!)

  5. I was creeped out too by JB last night- when's he's 30, then maybe he can try to be Justin Timberlake. Until then, stick to your teeny bopper songs....that's what people want!

  6. I hate those code words too. i don't get why people have them AND comment moderation. Why not just one or the other.

  7. Not a big fan of the code words either. I love this weekly section. Great idea. I just linked up.

  8. Love this weeks' confessions! I too have a hatred for those stupid code words! Why must people use the,! I never know what they say! Ever!

  9. You're hilarious. I can totally relate. Especially about the captchas or whatever the heck they are called. And, tanning. Ew. Tanning.
    I'm off to write mine right now and then I'll be back to link up.
    Thank goodness for this link up to help me get out of my midweek writing rut.

  10. I hate the code words a whole lot, but what I hate more are blogs with music that plays automatically. Startles me every time.

  11. hate the code words! I always get them wrong!

  12. I mostly hate the code words when I read from my iPad, which is more often than not, so hard to get them right! I also totally agree about tanning beds, funny thigh pale pasty peeps will be the last ones laughing when we have nice skin in our old age and those tannies don't.

  13. I went tanning a lot in college, because it was the thing to do in the late 90s, I guess, and I regret it BIG TIME. It's probably my biggest regret. (And I now have three scars on my left arm to remind me of my stupidity.) Love the new design!


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