Sunday, September 23, 2012

Frat Collection Winner & A Little Break

Hi friends! Hope you all are enjoying this beautiful FALL Sunday... I simply survive summer to get to fall!!! I'm so glad it is finally here!!!

A couple of things today...

First, congratulations to my dear blog reader Rinniez - you are the winner of The Frat Collection giveaway!  I can't wait for you to meet your new favorite shirt!!  (Email me to claim your prize girl!)

And second, I'm going to take a little break from my blog for the next week or so.  Nothing personal, I just feel like I'm falling behind in so many other areas of my life (i.e. those papers I still haven't graded and... the basement) and I need some time to catch up and breathe deep. :) I'll see you soon!  Promise you'll still be here?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Finding Time to Blog

I'm home with a sick baby today. :( A sick baby who is very sick and very angry from the hours of approximately 9PM - 4AM, and seems to be happy and wild and not at all in the mood for cuddling, soup, and long naps the rest of the day. :( :(  Anyway...

Yesterday, someone commented how they appreciated my "commitment to the blog, "the fact that I still made time to blog even when I had a million other things going on."  I read that and, literally, laughed out loud.

Yes, that is a very nice way to look at it.

I, however, call it Procrastination 3000.

Most of the time, you will find that I'm a better blogger when I have a lot going on.  (Certainly not always, like last week for example.)  Why?  1.) Because I have more to complain write about.  2.) Because suddenly blogging feels very urgent and important to me - like it simply MUST come before laundry, paper grading, feeding my family, etc.

I've told you... I'm no good at balance. :)

Anyways, finding time to blog is a challenge for anyone, isn't it?

Most of the time, it takes me about two days to write a blog post.  (Even one as simple and un-deep as this one, which was started last night while my dinner simmered and my dishes glared at me (and Jeff played with Sam under the assumption that I was cooking).  Since having Sam especially, I am rarely able to just sit down and write a post from start to finish - especially if there are photos.  Oh, don't even get me started on how long it takes me to take, upload, and post photos. (Monday's post about my sponsors and the give-away - I seriously worked on that darn thing for WEEKS. And - no offense to any of the sponsors - but it's not as if it was prize winning writing.) If it involves any kind of photo - or two - you can pretty much guarantee the post is going to take me three weeks to finish. The same goes for posts on topics that I have been thinking about for a long time and have a lot to say about... I usually start them and delete them 2 - 5 times before you ever read them.  In fact, right now, I have 19 drafts in my Blogger account.  Probably five of those will never be published.

Sometimes, I feel really inspired and an entire post just writes itself in my head and I verbal vomit all over my keyboard and press "Publish" before I can think better of it.  I usually like those posts the best; but, I assure you they are few and far between.

In a dream world, I'd have all my school and housework done by the time I put Sam to bed at night; then, I'd climb in the bed next to my hubby and write the next day's post while sipping hot tea and half-watching a movie.  That situation has been a reality maybe once in my life.  The truth is, I don't have a system for blogging.  I just squeeze it in, usually at the expense of something else.

What about you? When do you blog? How do you find time?  

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Midweek Confessions

It's been a few weeks since we had a confessions link-up, and I'm needing some proof that I'm not the only hot mess out there; so, I'll start...
- Yesterday, Sam and I had one of those massive trips to the grocery store.  (The kind where it looks like you are feeding an orphanage, but really you just haven't been shopping in weeks.)  So, for the first time ever, the bagger offered to help me out to my car.  (There was no longer any room in the cart for my child, and I guess he sensed that I wouldn't be the most graceful person managing both with only two arms.)  Anyway, I obliged (feeling a little like a diva), and out we went.  The problem, however, is that I couldn't find my car.   I led that poor man all over the darn parking lot until, finally, someone called out my name and pointed to my car.  It was two of my co-workers from my old school, standing right next to my little Toyota.  THEN, as if I wasn't already mortified enough, they volunteered to help me unload my groceries (I can't imagine I looked at all frazzled at this point), and when I opened my trunk it was literally JAM packed.  (I forgot that I had tons of stuff for Goodwill in it.)  Fail.  We had to STUFF groceries all over the front seat and, literally, on top of Sam in the carseat.  Nothing says "I'm adjusting great to my new job and totally have myself together now that I'm only teaching part-time" like an encounter like that. (And we won't even mention the fact that I was also in dirty sweatpants and my "fashion glasses.")

- Our Kroger card might be on a shared account with Jeff's parents, and I might grocery shop on Tuesdays to get the Senior Citizen discount. I might also secretly love shopping with all the little old ladies and grumpy old men.

- I bought Sam all-natural "Buddy Fruit" chews that were on sale because they seemed healthy and delicious.  I have already eaten three of the four baggies in the package.
- I also bought myself a package of Twizzlers, which I forgot to hide before Jeff helped put away everything.  I totally got scolded and only ate half the King size package instead of the whole. I'm still thinking about those delicious strands of gelled sugar nearly eight hours later.

- I have successfully managed to write FOUR confessions related to a single trip to the grocery store.  It is a sad life I live.

In other news...

- I have been misspelling y'all for YEARS.  Thankfully, Lea sent me a text last week saying something along the lines, "I thought your English teacher-self would want to know that y'all is spelled y'all, not ya'll."  THAT is a true friend.  (And, for the record, I am totally disappointed in this.  Obviously, I know the rule about putting the apostrophe in place of the letters you are removing... It just never registered with me.)

- Sam's feet were smelly the other day from wearing little shoes with no socks.  The confession part of this is that I thought it was so cool and proceeded to tell almost everyone I saw about what a "big boy" I had now with smelly feet and all for the next two days.  (I still think it is kind-of cool, but I've chilled out about telling people.  Well, except for you.)

- I just brewed a pot of coffee (it is 10:30PM) because interims are due tomorrow and I haven't graded ANYTHING since school started.  (Yes, it is already the middle of the first quarter.  Crazy.)  Way to start off the year on the right foot!

Well, that's enough from me. What juicy confessions will you share today?  Please link-up below!

And, if you haven't already, be sure to enter my Frat Collection give-away between now and Friday.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sponsors & Frat Collection Giveaway

Right now, life is crazy.  It is crazy in good ways, but it is busy.  With the switch to working only part-time this school year; I've had to be a lot more aware of money and my priorities.  It is just the truth.  BUT, having amazing sponsors on my blog is one of the ways I am able to "justify" the time I spend on this little hobby.  And, the truth is, I'm more than proud to be representing an incredible community of talented women and their amazing products. With that in mind, please contact me if you own a small business (or a big one for that matter) and would be interested in partnering with E, Myself, and I.  We are going to coast through the fall as I get myself organized and "in a groove," and then I'm going to be releasing a whole new sponsor program - chock full of fun and excitement - in January.  If you would like info about that "new release" just let me know and I'll add you to the list! :)

In the meantime, please visit my awesome August/September sponsors and show them some love! You deserve a little back-to-school/ welcome fall treat! :)

The Button Factory is run by my friend Bekuh (who did Sam's sidewalk chalk art at his party) and her sister Katie.  It is pretty much one of my goals in life to be able to pull of vintage/trendy clothing like they do.  Check out their cute shop for second-hand women's clothing finds from the 1950s - 1990s  and great handmade jewelry at great prices!!  Here are a couple of my current shop faves:
This feels so "retro-teacher" to me.  I adore it. I also want to cut bangs like hers - but that's another post.
Is it just me or did Bekuh manage to make a long, plaid skirt look sexy? :)
Now through October 1st, use code BACKTOSCHOOL at The Button Factory for free shipping too!!

Room to Romp, as always, has some of my favorite clothes (at very reasonable prices) for my favorite little man.  Seriously, their back to school stuff is to die for.  
Blue Corduroy Romper with Dinosaur
Alphabet Shirt A
Ah ha! My own little model sporting his Room to Romp shirt just in time for Clemson football season! (Go Tigers!)
Use EMIFreeship for - you guessed it - free shipping at Room to Romp.

And, finally, Melissa of Windows By Melissa continues to impress me with her incredible sewing talents.  She makes and sells Roman shades, panels/drapes, valances, and (most recently) has added custom fabric by the yard to her collection of products.  Work can be either custom made or ordered "ready to go."

 I also love Melissa because, even though she has some of her own health issues etc. to deal with, she has a sincere heart for helping people and giving back.  Each month, her company chooses a "sponsor" family to receive $5.00 from every sale.  This month, she is supporting sweet baby Brewer who was born in February and has since had three surgeries to repair a congenital heart disorder.  As an added bonus, you can use code BREWER to receive free shipping on your Windows by Melissa orders through the end of the month.

As always, a big THANK YOU to my sweet sponsors!

***Don't miss this***

I might be old and long out of college, but my days in the south have definitely instilled a love of all things preppy in my heart (and in my closet).  Jeff once commented during my freshman year at Clemson that it was the only place he'd ever been where dressing down meant a t-shirt, a skirt, and pearls. :)  Can you relate? Well then, allow me to introduce you to your new best friend - The Frat Collection.

My friend Michelle first introduced me to this company over the summer, and I promptly became obsessed.  Their concept is super simple: soft, good quality, worn-in looking t-shirts in a wide variety of colors, your choice of pattern for a sewn-on pocket, and your choice of a philanthropy to receive 10% of the cost of your shirt.  (I really love that they embraced the community service values of fraternities too.)

I recently got one of these shirts for myself and - I'm not going to even try to lie - I absolutely LIVE in it.  It is in a constant wash cycle around here.  Truly, I've never had a t-shirt I love so much.   It is so comfortable, it fits perfectly (true to size, I think), and it makes me feel "put together," even on my laziest days. Truly, it is the perfect accessory for yoga pants. :)

Please excuse my creepy eyes and the baby covering the trademark pocket... This is literally the best I could do (it gets kind-of awkward asking people to take photos of you.
And, not to fear... The generous folks over at The Frat Collection are giving one lucky E, Myself, and I reader a free shirt in the color and pattern of your choice.

To enter...

Just visit and come back here to leave a comment telling me what color/pattern combo you'd choose for yourself.   (Mine is The Clare on Alfalfa, fyi.)

Bonus: Post about this giveaway (with a link to this post) on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter and comment telling me what you did.  One entry per tout - please submit a separate comment for each.

That's all!!  Contest will be open until Friday 9/21 at midnight.

Good luck!

P.S. MIDWEEK CONFESSIONS link-up will be up at 8AM tomorrow!!! PLEASE join me!!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Walking, Commenting, and Blog Gems

Hey friends! Sorry I was MIA this week.   No good excuses, just life.  You know how it goes.

Anyways, I'm back today with some very important blog business and lots of other random goodness.

BUT FIRST, a little announcement... (No, I'm not pregnant.  Hold your horses you crazies!)

***Sam is (finally) walking! After more than a month of one step here, one step there, I think we can finally say we officially have a walker!  He is still in the wobbly stage, and I LOVE it.  He is too adorable for words really.***

Now, for the very important business...

As you may have unfortunately noticed in the last few weeks, the robot commenters have invaded my blog!

I know, this is totally what I get.  A while back I posted about how annoying it was when people had you type in secret code words etc. because everyone knew there was no such thing as "robots" commenting.  And, well, my comment forum has been taken over by all sorts of spam and un-related robot comments.  I stand corrected.

To remedy this problem, I've decided to try Disqus which is a fancier commenting forum available here.  I'm all about low-maintenance on this thing, so we'll see how it goes.... But, will you PLEASE do me a favor and just leave a little comment on this post so I can see if it is working?  I have a giveaway coming up tomorrow (spoiler alert), and I want to be sure we are up and running. THANK YOU! (Btw, I'm in the process of converting all my old comments to this format too.  They say it can take 24 hours, so if you notice that all the past posts have zero comments... they are coming.)

And, I will leave you with a few "Blog Gems" from this week... Enjoy!

"Decorate with Meaning" from Not Just a Housewife Stacy really put into words my heart about decorating.  One of the things I am most proud of in our house is that almost nothing was bought new.  It all has a story.  It all has meaning.  This post encouraged me to think about that and be thankful for that - instead of just wanting new, new, new.  I even decided to snap a few iphone shots of some of my favorite "meaningful" items in the house. (I wanted to post these, but my computer is messing up... SO, maybe later.)

This blog in general, but especially this post (via Oct. 2011) from A Touch of Roots.  I should warn you that it is HEARTBREAKING; but, I like to torment myself it is powerful and real and a good reminder to make every single day count. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.

The "Dear Me: A Letter To Your Teenage Self" link-up at Chatting at the Sky.  I really wanted to write a post for this, but I couldn't get my act together in time for Friday.  Maybe I still will - later.  Anyway, read the letters.  They are so good.  I need to read Emily's book - I think we might be the same person at heart.

Kelle Hampton's gender reveal video here.  Seriously, does she ever do anything that is not beautiful?  (P.S. I am SOOOOO excited to see how she dresses her new baby!)

"9 Ways to Design around a TV" from Centsational Girl.  This isn't deep or anything, but Jeff and I are in the market for a TV console, so I found it particularly relevant and inspiring.  Look, I like to balance deep with shallow - ok? ;)

"Two v. One" from Loves of Life.  I have loved following Katie's transition from being a mom of one to a mom of two.  She has been so real and honest and funny and raw.  This is SUCH a good reminder to moms and women in all stages of life.  Read it.

"I Hate What Pinterest Has Done to Blogging" from O My Family.  AMEN sister!  This is a must read. :)

"An Open Letter to Barack Obama and Mitt Romney from Perry Noble".  Because this list - clearly - needed some politics.  Ha!  Seriously though, this is my college pastor, and it is good reading.  Here's praying Barack and Mitt read pastor blogs.

And to wrap this up, a little blurb from Glennon at Momastery on the release of her new book -  it is so true, and, obviously, I couldn't do a "Blog Gems" post without her:

I hear you, Mommy Guilt. They didn’t used to listen to you, you know. Mamas used to have their babies and let them do their kid thing for twelve hours a day while mamas smoked cigarettes and played bridge or worked all day and then made Hamburger Helper. I think all this obsessive Mommy Guilt is relatively new and I am going to try every day to silence it. I will not let you take me down, Mommy Guilt. I did a good thing. I’m proud of myself. I wrote a book that is going to help people take it easier on themselves – and maybe one day one of those people will be Tish. Shut up, Mommy Guilt. I’ve got work to do and kids to raise and honestly, neither job needs my UNDIVIDED attention to thrive. There is nothing about me that is undivided and there never will be. I am a woman divided. Wouldn’t have it any other way.

Ok, I could go on and on... But I'll stop there. Lots of good stuff out there this week... I promise I'll try to contribute a little more myself next! See you tomorrow!

Monday, September 10, 2012

On Balance (or lack thereof)

Tonight, I'm having flashbacks of my pre-baby teaching days.  Jeff's mom is keeping Sam overnight and Jeff is out of town, so I've been camped at this little Panera booth working away and taking full advantage of their free iced coffee refills (I'll regret this later) for the last three hours.  

Tonight, I feel like a really good teacher.  I'm planning for next week, creating fun (and valuable) lessons, and making color-coded tabs for my binders.  I am in total teacher mode; and, I like this me.  I'd kind-of missed her.

But here's the thing - I like this me tonight. Tonight, these few quiet hours alone with my laptop and  my OCD lesson-planning tendencies are a special treat.  BUT, I don't want this to be my everyday.

Which brings me to balance... or lack thereof.  

I'm finally beginning to accept that - for me - it just doesn't really exist.  For me, it is a constant reminder of what I'm not doing or who I'm not being; instead of just being focused on where I AM and what I AM doing and - more importantly - WHO I'm with.  I'm starting to realize that balance isn't really my end goal after all.

I read a blog post a few months ago (around the time that this article from The Atlantic was so popular) in which the writer said she craved less balance, and more see-saw.   I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.

I like that idea.

See, when you are a balanced, you are just kind-of THERE.  Sure, everything is on the same level and it feels pretty nice for a while; but you aren't ever really steady.  You are working hard to stay there, and wobbling, and constantly worrying about which side will fall first.  And, the worst part?  You aren't enjoying the RIDE.

A see-saw is FUN.  Do you remember them?  Of course, there's the sometimes painful and abrupt moment when your butt hits the ground hard and everything around you jars just a bit; but, there's also the extremely high and wonderful and free feeling when you're on the up side.  

Maybe what I'm after isn't balance, as much as it is just knowing when to make what a priority.  

So tonight?  I'm going to drink too much coffee and stay up late planning and power-pointing, and Googling until my heart's content.  

And, tomorrow?

I'm going to leave my binders at work at 11AM and take my boy to explore a new park... One with a see-saw.  ;)

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Whenever I write a post like the one from Wednesday, I get a phone call/text from my mom telling me how worried she is about me and how depressed I sound.  Then, I spend the next five minutes convincing her that I am FINE, and the next three days worrying that I sound like a debbie-downer, ungrateful nincompoop (just looked up how to spell that word) on my blog.  BUT, the other thing is, every time I write a post like that - one where I REALLY confess, not just in the funny "I'm wearing my bathing suit as underwear" kind of way - I feel SO much better.  So free.  I blog because of that freedom.  It isn't why I started blogging, or where I thought I was going; but the freedom that comes in trying to be transparent is addicting ya'll.  It feels good.  It feels normal.  Thanks for loving me and encouraging me and just making me feel like an ordinary mom/woman/teacher/etc.

So... I'm just checking in to tell you that I am a-OK.  Life is busy and messy and hard sometimes - no doubt. But, it is also so good.

On Thursday night, the ish (literally) hit the fan... As in, my upstairs toilet overflowed and came flowing into my kitchen through the ceiling fan/light.  When it rains, it pours doesn't it?  (Pun intended... I just crack myself up!)  Naturally, I called my dad since Jeff was out of town and dads can fix everything. Like a super-hero, he was here in five minutes in his dress shirt and khakis fresh from work plunging and cloroxing away.  See, I'm unbelievably blessed.  I don't know how people do it without family around. Really.

Anyway, in the midst of that clean-up, my mom came over and convinced me to go for a walk and decompress.  It was good advice.  Even better though, when I asked "Mom, why am I such a mess? What am I doing wrong?"she just said - "Stop taking naps and surfing the internet in the afternoons.  When Sam is sleeping, you need to get your stuff done.  Then, after he goes to bed at night you will be able to relax and play." 

Why was this so novel to me?  Of course, I knew that.  But, I think I needed to hear it out loud from someone that loves me and knows me.  She was right.  I can get a million pieces of advice and encouragement about cleaning schedules and routines (and don't get me wrong - I love that stuff too); but, the truth is, I've just been acting kind-of lazy.  Period.  (Which, for the record, is ok too - sometimes.  But, I wasn't feeling good about myself or the things around me; which is, not ok.)

And just like that... I was back in the game.

Not that I'm advocating this kind of craziness; but, after Sam went to bed that night, I cleaned my whole house top to bottom.  I mean, really cleaned.  Then, after only four hours of sleep, a morning of work, and a fun play-date to the library with Sam on Friday, I came home and did all my fall decorating during his nap.

Ya'll it was worth it.  

It might be 90 degrees outside, but in my house, it is FALL.  It is clean and cozy and happy.  Jeff is home.  We are watching movies and making pumpkin pancakes and enjoying the couple of days that I actually do feel like I have it together.

We're OK. Better than ok.

P.S. I even recorded one meal on My Fitness Pal yesterday.... Baby steps.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Three Real Confessions

We'll still call this 'Midweek Confessions,' but I'm not going to do a link-up today.  I just feel like sharing some "deeper" confessions on my mind lately.  Hopefully, some of you can relate; or, at the very least, appreciate that I don't try to wear the perfect mom/wife/teacher mask around here very often.

1. The truth is, as much as I really do love my new job and work situation, adjusting to change is still hard. Until about three weeks ago, I had been out of the classroom for over a year, and I am rusty. Thankfully, I really enjoy doing the work I am doing; but, I am bringing a lot more home than I had anticipated/expected.  Even though I only teach three classes, they are still three different preps (that's teacher jargon for - "classes to prepare for") which equals a lot of time and energy. And, don't get me started on grading papers --- I still have piles of summer reading (from day one) just glaring at me from my desk.

Right now, I am staying up way too late every night just trying to stay on top of things for the next day; then, when I come home around noon I am exhausted and don't always make the most of my time with Sam.  In all honesty, a lot of days I am waiting for nap time so that I can sleep too.  Then, the house doesn't get cleaned, the laundry doesn't get washed, and the cycle starts over again with another late night.  Blah. Blah. Blah. I don't care how much or how little you work or whether it is inside of the house or out - finding balance between motherhood and a career is HARD.

2. I just finished a bowl of icecream as my "after lunch dessert."  (Who even has lunch-dessert?)  In other words, I am doing terrible on my diet/weight loss goals.  If you are my friend on My Fitness Pal, which several of you are, you are probably receiving sad notices like "Elizabeth has not logged on in over a week."  Ugg.  Health/taking care of myself/practicing self-control does NOT come easily for me AT ALL.  It is a day-by-day, minute-by-minute choice.  And, frankly, I'm not making the right ones today (or for the last several days). I'm not calling it a failure - because this journey isn't over.  But, I'm not going to sugar-coat it and make it sound like everything's peachy. I'm just putting it out there. I figure if I share the good, I gotta share the bad too. Bottom line - I lost three pounds then gained three back.  One month down and almost zero progress.

3. I'm beginning to worry a little bit about Sam's language development.  A few weeks ago I thought he was going to start talking more - one weekend saying "mama" and the next "ball" - but, that seems to have just been a fad.  He will be 14 months old soon and, as of now, isn't really saying much of anything that makes sense.  (For the record, he babbles A LOT, points some, and laughs and smiles all the time.) One part of me feels like he is just "taking his sweet time" and "focusing on walking," etc.  I know that the range of what is "normal" is very wide, so I'm genuinely trying not to worry.  BUT, there is another voice in my head that keeps saying "You should have read to him more."  "It's because you aren't home with him enough." "You need to work harder at teaching him." Etc.  Being a mom is hard too.

Moral of the story.  Life is just hard.  Mine is beautiful and rich and happy and blessed; but, most days it is also hard.  That's just the truth. :)

(And, no, I'm not depressed or sad at all... This is just where I am.  It's life.)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Beautiful Hair and a HUGE Giveaway

One thing you have never heard me say is that I like my hair.  I don't really complain about it, because it could be worse (and, trust me, it has been -- read MAJOR bangs, bleach blonde/green, etc. etc.); but, frankly, it just isn't good hair.  It is thin and coarse - really, who even knew that was possible?  It doesn't grow past my shoulders - true story.  And, it totally has a mind of it's own when it comes to "behavior."  I dream of perfectly straight or awesomely "I-just-woke-up-this-way" curls; but, instead I usually get frizz and a major fifties house-wife flip (unintentional, I assure you). Add the heat and humidity of summers in the south, years of blow-dryer and straightener overuse, and now a baby (i.e. no time for style and an occassional dollop of food/slobber) to the equation and my hair is pretty much a HOT MESS by this time of year.

Naturally, one of my great quests in life is to find a hair product to make me look like a celebrity.  ;)  (Of course, I'd settle for simply soft, smooth, and shiny hair too!)

Enter Dove's new line of intensive repair conditioners.

When I found out about the opportunity to review one of their products, I JUMPED at it.  I have been a loyal Dove-brand user for literally my whole life.  I vividly remember when they first came out with deodorant (I can barely recall a time before my underarms smelled like cucumber-melon) and then, later, hair care products.  Seriously, my shower (and my life) is FILLED with the little blue bird on crisp white bottles. 

Photo taken in my very own shower with my iphone.  Not while I was showering. :)
And, just as I suspected, Dove's Intensive Repair Conditioner did not disappoint.

After using the product with my normal shampoo for the last two weeks; I really can see a noticable difference.  Ya'll, I think my hair just might be HEALING.  Me?  With healthy silky hair?!?!  It is a dream come true!

I'm being serious.  I LOVE my new conditioner.  It doesn't require extra steps (or precious extra time), I just squirt about a quarter-sized amount into my hand and rub it through my hair in the shower.  Then, I go about my business (you know, showering) and rinse with cool(ish) water after about three minutes.   It smells wonderful - fresh and clean, but not over the top; the price can't be beat, and IT WORKS.  My hair is looking better right now than it has in YEARS - and that's despite the whole messy/exhausting one-year-old thing.

Dove just doesn't mess around. Their fancy-schmancy technology soaks deep into your strands to rebind and strengthen the damaged proteins.  Plus, their moisture-serum seals cuticles and actually REPAIRS your poor, helpless hair. (If you like this technical stuff, visit for more details.)  But, in a nut shell, the end result after 2+ weeks of using Dove Intensive Repair Conditioner is  hair that I can actually run my fingers through AND that still looks good after a long day of work and play.  Win.

Speaking of winning... Dove has teamed up with Blogher to offer a fantastic end-of-summer sweepstakes for a $1,000 Spafinder gift certificate!!!  To enter, just follow the directions/links below and answer this question:

What one thing would you change about your hair if you could?

Now, go forth and win!! Make me proud! :)
Enter to win a $1,000 Spafinder gift certificate!



You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:

a) Follow this link, and provide your email address and your response to the Promotion prompt

b) Tweet (public message) about this promotion; including exactly the following unique term in your tweet message: "#SweepstakesEntry"; and then visit this link to provide your email address and the URL to that Tweet.

c) Blog about this promotion, including a disclosure that you are receiving a sweepstakes entry in exchange for writing the blog post, and then visit this link to provide your email address and the URL to that post.

This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. Winners will have 72 hours to claim the prize, or an alternative winner will be selected.

The Official Rules are available here.

This sweepstakes runs from 9/4/2012 - 9/30/2012

Be sure to visit Dove® to get a coupon for $1.50 off Dove Hair Therapy products.