Thursday, January 31, 2013

January Photo Dump

Is it just me or has January been looooooong?  As I started gathering photos for this post, I was shocked that it has only really been about three weeks since Sam's surgery*.  It feels like forever ago.  I guess there is something about the weather and the slow resume to normalcy after the hustle of the holidays that makes this month feel like it drags a little.  Irregardless, it was good.  We got to spend quality time relaxing at home just the three of us, got great time with both families and good friends, saw two snows, and even got in some fun outdoor activities like boating and park playing on some of the freakishly warm days.  Here are the photos to sum it up:

*Here's a quick update from Sam's tubes & adenoid surgery for those that are interested: Overall, we had a really good experience with the whole thing.  Sam's recovery was quick (at 100% by about day 5) and the results - so far - have been very good.  For the first time in almost a year, our boy is sleeping silently (he was a major snore machine before), and we don't have to keep ten million tissues available at all times.  In fact, he has barely had so much as a drip from his former fountain-nose, which is pretty incredible given how rampant the flu has been lately.  The worst side effect of the whole thing that we experienced was TERRIBLE BREATH for about four days while the scab formed where his adenoid had been removed.  We had been warned that this would happen; but, we were not prepared.  It was pretty awful; but, totally worth it - a small price to pay.  We also noticed a slight increase in stuffiness/runny nose etc. for the first week or so after the surgery, but nothing since.  Thanks for the prayers etc., we are very hopeful that this will be the start of a healthy season for our boy!

And last, if you missed my post about my blog-fast for Lent (and my call for guest posters) earlier today, read it here. :)


  1. Irregardless is not a word. I'm sorry to troll your blog with grammatical corrections, but this is a pet peeve of mine. It is a combination of two words that has gained popularity through misuse. Anyway, your blog is great and I enjoy reading it :)

  2. Ha! Well, there's nothing more humbling than being an English teacher and making a grammatical mistake. I'm sure my students will love to see that! ;) I'm going to play the "informal" writing card and say I was using "slang." But, seriously, thanks for telling me. Never stop learning.

  3. :) E- I love your blog and read it religiously everytime you post- I was about to comment about irregardless as well, but I was so worried about sounding nasty or mean and didn't want to be, so I am glad to see someone else already beat me to it.

    I'm so glad to hear Sam is doing well after his surgery :)

  4. so glad your little man is feeling better! :)

  5. I'm glad to hear everything worked out with Sam's surgery. My first had three sets of tubes and then a procedure to remove one that wouldn't fall out on its own. Go figure. Anyway, he's fine and we have had no troubles for years now. I will say it was not fun going through it at the time.

    I love your pictures. My favorie is the one where he is looking in the dryer. I have that exact same shot of my first child.


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