Monday, February 11, 2013

Me on a Monday

First this... Do you remember when Kathryn went to the Grammy's?  Hahaha!  I put that quality post together in the much earlier days of this blog when no one was reading but my mom and sister anyway; but, we had SO much fun with this one.  I only watched a little last night, but I had a good laugh remembering 2010.

So... I'm feeling a little pressure to write something really "quality" before I embark on my 40 day blog-break (I have been calling it a "fast", but I stopped because I feel guilty calling it that and then talking about it so much - so very Pharisee of me), but I really don't have much to say.  I've spent the last three days in a total "Fat Tuesday" fog blogging myself crazy trying to get all the (awesome) guest posts set up and ready to go for you while I'm gone.  Believe me, they are GOOD. You guys really are an amazing community.  I am sincerely honored to introduce you all to these great women and to give each of them a new forum to share a small part of their story.  You will not want to miss any of them.  Really.

That said, I'm kind-of stuck for something of my own to say... Luckily, Chelsea at The Paper Mama came through for me with an impromptu self-portrait challenge.  I try to avoid taking pictures of just me whenever possible; but, girl needs some content today; and, I am wearing my fox sweater.

Anyway, here you have it:

Me, on a Monday.
I'm in my classroom and the kids just left.  I really really hope no one walked by the door and saw me taking this. ;)  I'm pretty sure my hair isn't that red in real life - it's just the Instagram filter (excellent for faces that eat make-up like mine). Also, pay no attention to the fact that my bulletin board is blank.


Obsessing Over 
How messy my house is.  Usually, Mondays are my days for catching up on things because Sam is with my mother-in-law all day; but, he has an appointment this afternoon so that's a no go.  I've been thinking about how I'm going to squeeze ten hours of housework that NEEDS to be done into an approximate two hour nap time since my eyes opened this morning.  I really should have been more productive this weekend.

Working On
As I said above, I've been spending a lot of time getting my blog in order and all my guest posts scheduled for my break to begin Tuesday.  It has been so much fun to connect with and read stories from so many of my readers, but it is a lot more work than I had accounted for.

Thinking About
How great my ninth graders did with "Twelve Angry Men" this morning.  I love love teaching this little play every year.  It is so simple, but the kids always really get into it, and it is a great lead in to Of Mice and Men.  Today was "jury selection day" and the kids totally got into it.  Mornings like this remind me that I don't just work for the money.

The renewal and re-energizing that will come from my blog break over Lent. Seriously though, this whole thing has made me realize that I'm kind-of a blog addict.  I'm fully prepared to go through a few days (weeks?) of withdraw before falling into a new groove, and I'm definitely worrying a lot about all the things I will miss out on in the social media realm; but, I'm 100% confident that God will honor this time, and that it will be good.  

Also, The Bachelor tonight. :)

Laundry and grading papers (always).


I had actually started my diet back in January (or August, for that matter) when I said I was going to.  UGG... Motivation, please move in on my hips asap.

That's all for today... Go here to enter your own self-portrait post for a chance to win this cutie Instax Mini 8. (The winner is selected randomly, and I think I'm like the second entry - so, odds are good.)


  1. You should do this same survey when you return from your hiatus to see how they compare/change!! Goodluck with it all :)

  2. Love the cute sweater / checked shirt combo! I'm going to miss your posts during Lent. I admire you for taking a blog break, and it will be great to hear about the experience in March.

  3. You are way cute on a Monday!! I stole this little link-up thing. And I am way less cute. Oh well. :) Also, I am a little stressed about missing you while you're on hiatus. Feel free to pass the time sending me long, newsy emails!!

  4. This was a really entertaining post, I'd love to see more like this :)

  5. you are too cute for words. While I fully support your LENT decision, I am SOOOO going to miss your posts!

  6. How amazing would it be if we could eliminate grading...not grades per say, but the ugly stack of papers/grading part. I can always come up with something better, err, more fun to last night watching the Bachelor.

  7. I love the fox on your sweater. Beautiful portrait.

  8. haha! love your sweater!


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