Friday, March 15, 2013

Guest Post: 2 Under 2

Well, since Sam will be two before I know it, and there is no bun in this oven, it doesn't look like I will be one of the lucky/crazy mamas with two kiddos under two this go-around.  BUT, I have met SO many moms recently who are doing it (and even making it look easy)! They are my heroes.  Seriously.  Are you a mom of 2 under 2?  Would you consider having two kids that close together?  Did you survive that wild time and live to tell about it?  If so, you'll love Catie's post today...

Why I'm Breaking

Hello! I'm excited to be guest blogging today here at E, Myself, and I.

A little about me..... My name is Catie, and I blog over at Tales of a Real Housewife. I am a pharmacist, but now I stay at home with my two kids. I've been married for 3 years to my husband Josh, also a pharmacist. 

We have two kids- Gus who is almost 2 and Maddie who is 2 and 1/2 months

2 kids under 2- some may think we are crazy! We wanted our kids to be close in age so they could play together. I am still new at mothering two but I wanted to share a few tips for those who might find yourself in the same shoes:


1. Let others help! During the first month, we had lots of help. My husband was able to be off a long time, and my mom was able to stay for a while too. Many of our friends brought us dinner. Because of this, I was able to just focus on the kids. Gus had his daddy and "MiMi" to play with during those first weeks when I needed to be holding Maddie. It helped so much. And not worrying about cooking was HUGE!

2. It's ok to let things go. I already can't believe how much Maddie has grown. Babies are newborns for such a short time. Hold them!!!! And when you have other kids, they need you when you aren't holding the newborn. Laundry, a clean and organized house..... it can wait. You have the rest of your life to clean.

3. Don't forget your first-born. I couldn't believe how different Gus looked when we came home from the hospital with Maddie. He looked so big. He wasn't my little baby anymore. He still needs me, and sometimes I need to put Maddie down and give him attention. I also let Gus help me. He can give Maddie her pacifier, get her blanket, or get something for me. He likes to help.

4. Who needs me most?? There will be times when both kids are crying. Assess the situation to know who needs you most at that moment. Take a deep breath. :)

5. Remember, this time may be hard- but it is short. There are times I want to pull out my hair or am just counting down until Josh gets home. But there are also so many moments that are priceless. A smile from Maddie, a new word for Gus, Gus learning to pretend, Maddie watching Gus's every move. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

I would love to hear tips from you on how you deal with 2 under 2! I'd also love for you to visit my blog! Thanks for letting me share!

Tales of a Real Housewife


  1. Thank you for this post! I've been searching for blogs about 2 under 2! My daughter just turned 1 two weeks ago and I'm pregnant due early October. I'm super excited, but obviously nervous. Lol

  2. This was exactly what I needed today. My daughter just turned one in February and I am due the end of October. Since, we will have 2 in diapers I am a little nervous but very excited.. Thanks for sharing :)


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