Saturday, June 22, 2013

Blog Gems 6/16 - 6/22

Well hello there friends... Happy Saturday! Sorry (again) for the little blog absence this week.  I'm (still) figuring out my new summer schedule and - although I feel like blog post ideas are popping up all over my crazy head - it is hard to find time to sit down and write.  I'm getting there...

In the meantime, here are some good posts from around the blogosphere this week.  At least someone is writing something good...

LOVE the surprise lesson at the end of this one from Anna See of An Inch of Gray.

I'm a sucker for a good birth story, and this is a good birth story. Amanda is not only HILARIOUS, but she's also one tough momma - she had sweet baby Mary without a single bit of medicine... And lived to tell about it. (It's actually three parts and starts here - totally worth it, promise.)

A very thought-provoking read about the disadvantages of today's children being "over protected" and "over parented." 

Glennon nailed it again. I GET this.

On grace in marriage - such a good reminder.

Also - an unrelated (but very important) question...
Is Sam too young to go see Monsters University? When did you first take your kids to the movies? What advice do you have if we decide to try it?

See you Monday!


  1. Do you have a drive-in theater close by? It's a perfect way to take little ones to the movies.

  2. Love the Psychology Today article. I gave it a skim. I'll come back and read it more carefully later today.

    And Glennon's post totally got me. I was AT ME'd the other day and it took her post to make me feel a little less guilty. We're all doing the best we can!

    Great gems!

    Isn't it hard to get into a routine at home. I constantly wonder how I got so much done working a gazillion hours a day and now that I'm at home I seem behind on everything. (It's the cute kid's fault. It is hard to live by a calendar when he toddles or crawls over with a book!)

  3. It is more of a question of when did you STOP taking your little ones to the movies! For us it is almost a year since our daughter went with us. It was Ice Age 4 and we only went because grandparents were treating that afternoon.

  4. We took Avery to see Monster's U. on Friday afternoon. She loves Monster Inc so I had a feeling she would be OK for an hour and 42 minutes. And she did fine. We made it through the whole movie. The end was a little rough because she was on a sugar high of M&Ms and a sip of my cherry coke. She was jumping in the seat,holding on to the back of her chair and laughing like a drunk. I don't think it held her attention as well as Monster Inc does because it was a little older of a storyline. But she liked seeing Sully and Mike and there was enough action scenes to hold her through. Luckily our movie theater charges for kids 3 and older so even if she didn't make it the whole way, we weren't out $9.

  5. wow! i feel famous :) thanks so much for the props!


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