Thursday, August 22, 2013

Saying Hello and Announcing a Winner

Just a friendly "hello" to let you know I'm still here - albeit a bit buried under paperwork and creative ideas that require lots of work to implement.

I hadn't intended to slack on the blog this week, but, I have to be honest with you, this mama is struggling to find the energy to do much of anything after just four days of working full time again.  I know I will get in a groove, and it will get easier, but - right now - I'm pooped.

That's the bad news.  The good news?  I am LOVING being in the classroom and am so excited for the kids to get there on Tuesday.  I really am so blessed to have a job I love so much.  (Lots more thoughts on this... I will get them down soon.  Promise.)

Anyway, I wanted to pop in tonight to announce the winner of my August Sponsor Giveaway...

Congratulations to MEREDITH CATES!

Meredith happens to be a friend-of-a-friend in real life, and she is just the cutest, preppiest, brand-new mom ever.  Girl, you are going to have SO much fun browsing these sweet shops!! (Look for an email from me so we can personalize your prize pack and work out all the details.)

Didn't win?  Don't forget that many of the shops are offering E, Myself, and I coupon codes etc. right now - See my description of each sponsor here.

Interested in sponsoring?  Check out my Sponsor/PR page and email me for more details!  (Invoices will go out next week for September/October.)

And, finally, as a reward for those of you still reading... Here are five quick things I want you to know:

1. Sam got rid of his paci.  It has been totally gone for almost two weeks now.

2. We have started (sort-of) potty training.  It is going better than I expected.

3. Sam is getting his FIRST HAIRCUT tomorrow!

4. I am looking for guest posters for a new series this fall called "Making It Work as a Working Mom."  If you are a working mom (whether you have a blog or not) and would like to contribute, please email me! (

5. We got a new dishwasher.  The fact that this is so exciting to me makes me feel very old and boring.

More soon!


  1. Yay! I am so excited to be the winner of this giveaway. Thank you to Elizabeth and your wonderful sponsors for making this giveaway happen. This is such a blessing to me and my little world as a new Mama.

  2. Yay for Sam being rid of his paci! Good luck with potty training! He is becoming such a big guy. :]


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