Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Teaching Tuesday: Favorite English Teacher Blogs

Hope you all had a great Labor Day weekend!  Things didn't go exactly as I had planned (as in, we hardly did any of the things I had on the "agenda"), but our little stay-cation was great -- We even ended up spending Saturday night at my parents' (they were out of town) so we could stay up late watching football on their nice TV and, truly, avoid any responsibilities of being at home.  It was full of good time as a family and relaxation - exactly the way a va(stay)cation should be! P.S. How about those Tigers!?!?!

I followed the "rules," and stayed away from school/house/blog work pretty much the entire weekend, so I'm playing catch up today with a simple Teaching Tuesday topic -- my favorite English teacher blogs!!  I'm a big fan of "not re-inventing the wheel" as long as the wheel is pretty darn awesome to begin with!  ;) Below are four pretty darn awesome English teacher blogs I have come to know and love (and gets lots of great ideas from).  I've mentioned many of these here before, but I thought it might be nice to have them all in one spot.  Hope you find one or two new ones to add to your teaching repertoire!

1. The Nerdy Teacher is Nicholas Provenzano, an English 10 Honors teacher and frequent EduBlog award winner.

Check out "The Epic Mock Trial of Mark Twain" and "20% Time in My Classroom."

2. Where the Classroom Ends is primarily geared towards the AP Language & Composition classroom and the study of rhetoric (where, trust me, I need all the help I can get). It is a little more "technical," but the two teachers that write it (Emily & Aubrey) are experienced, creative, and relate-able.  I love that many of their ideas involve incorporating pop culture and media into your lesson plans and are usually especially timely and relevant for teenagers today.

Check out "State of the Union Creative Assignment,""Superbowl 2012: Car Commercials," and "Documentaries: Oscar Nominees."

3. Eat, Write, Teach - Stephanie and I have been reading each other's blogs for a while now, and I am continually impressed by her professionalism and passion for teaching.  She shares great templates for organization that you can use in your classroom right away and her love for her students and career is evident in everything she writes.

Check out "A Letter to First Year Teachers" and her "The Well-Oiled Classroom Machine" series.

4. M*Print Blog - Another reader/friend, Megan is SO organized and so generous with her teaching ideas!  In fact, she totally emailed me the "Classroom Rules Meme" power point she did on the first day, and my kids LOVED it!  Her blog is JAM packed with practical things you can do to make your classroom run smoothly AND fantastic lesson ideas!

Check out "How Not to Lose Your Mind at Open House" (just in time for "Back to School Night" for many of us),  "Ten Technology Tips Every Teacher Should Know," and "Bulletin Board Design on a Dime."

Ok, this just barely scratches the surface of some of the great resources out there... I know there are SO many other great blogs for teachers of all subjects/grade-levels/etc. Let's spread the wealth!! PLEASE share a link to your favorite (or your own if it relates) education blog in the comments below!

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Thank you so much for sharing me again. I LOVE Eat.Write.Teach. wholeheartedly, and I'm excited to have now discovered Where the Classroom Ends. Happy Teaching Tuesday!


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