Monday, March 17, 2014

What's a Girl to Wear When Turning 30?

Today is snow day #10 for us.  No big deal.

Anyway, in case you didn't know (or you've been living in a cave), I'm turning thirty in NINE days.

I'm super excited about this milestone birthday and all the exciting possibilities and new things that lie ahead in the upcoming decade; but, right now, I'm even more excited about the Girls Weekend away I'm taking with my mom and sister to celebrate.

My birthday is on a Wednesday, so the following Friday we are checking into a swanky DC-area hotel/spa for two days of pampering, shopping, fine dining, and sleeping.  (For the record, my mom and sister have really been on me about "upping" my party game and being able to stay out late and have more than one glass of wine for my birthday.  I told them - "It's my party, and I'll go to bed at nine if I want to." This girl is NOT afraid to be old and lame.)

I really can't wait!

Of course, there is one very important issue that must be handled before the approaching date... What's a Girl to Wear When Turning 30?

I've been scouring the internet for weeks now (totally productive, I know), but have yet to settle on exactly which dress I want.  Then, just today, Anthropologie got wind of my dilemma and released a number of new sale dresses - wonderful news, but only adding additional choices and time is running out to place an order.

So, I'm turning to you...

Here are a few of the dresses topping my list for Saturday night out in DC:



Shop Ruche
Shop Ruche


What's your favorite? How would you style it?

*Please try to imagine them with a spray tan - I saved the "free tan" on my punch card from last summer for just the occasion - and beautiful blown-out hair - Kathryn is treating us to appointments at Georgetown's Dry Bar too!!


  1. I love love LOVE the print Anthropologie dress! Some sassy heals or booties would be oh so cute!

  2. I love the Modcloth, long with the navy blue top!! looks like you!! Actually, there are a couple on there that I like for ME!!! Since I will be up all night with Kathryn I need something new too!!! wink wink!!!! Happy almost 30th!!!!

  3. I love the long Modcloth with the stripes. What a fun way to turn thirty....I turn thirty this June too...not exactly looking forward to it, but glad you'll be doing something fun to celebrate!

  4. Man...tough choices!!! I think my favorites are the navy/tan striped maxi from ModCloth...and...the pink lace-overlay one from Ruche (although I'm concerned it could be mega short??)...and...the patterned Anthro one. But really they are all fabulous. It sounds like such a fun celebration to look forward to!!!

  5. Wow! They are all so pretty! I like the third one best. Long (black and tan) with the stripes. I think it would look awesome with gold jewelry and accents. xo

  6. modcloth with flowers...but i doubt that surprises you.

  7. I like the pink lace or the blue anthro. When I saw the title of the post, I thought, Oh good, I need some advice in this area. I recently bought a tank top that I would have worn in middle school. I still like it and will probably wear it, but, as a mom, I'm not sure if its age appropriate. When you're up for it (and after you successfully choose your birthday outfit), advice in this area would be welcome!

  8. Turning 30 is so fun! I love the last dress. So cute and flirty! The others are NMS.

    p.s. I just realized your blog was not coming through my feedly feed! Going to try to fix that now.

  9. Either of the Modcloth dresses OR the navy Anthropologie. However, I worry it won't be too too warm for you this weekend, so choose wisely and be prepared to layer and keep it cute!

  10. I love the dresses! I am in my mid 20's. Thank you for sharing these wonderful dresses!

    I also have a blog, please check it
    if you like.


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