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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I'm Sick

I've got that - it's really cold and I'm about to get out of school for two weeks so of course I'd get sick - crud.  Honestly, I just woke up Tuesday morning feeling bad.  I've got a yucky cough and my chest feels tight and gooey.  (Too much info?)

Anyways, so instead of doing ANYTHING to get ready for Christmas, I spent the better part of last night curled up on the couch letting Jeff take care of me.  He's really good at it.

And today, thankfully, my students are being little darlings (so far) and reading quietly in their seats so I can sip hot tea and feel sorry for myself.

I know this is a boring post. But, I'm trying...

Friday, please hurry!


  1. hope you get to feeling better soon!

  2. You poor little thing-that nastiness is going around down here too!

  3. Hope you feel better soon!

  4. maybe you'll get some of the weather like we are supposed to and not have to o the rest of the week!

  5. Elizabeth, Take good care of yourself...Love you

  6. Elizabeth, Take good care of yourself....Love you lots, Aunt Delores

  7. Hang in there and take care of yourself and enjoy being taken care of too!

  8. elizabeth, what do you think it is? agh. its so unlike you to be sick.
    feel better,

  9. I hope that you are feeling better by now. It's really been going around here too and there isn't one circle of friends/co workers that I have that have not been sick :(
    Take Care,


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