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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

30 Week Update

Promise I'll write something non-pregnancy related soon... But not today!
Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 30 Weeks (+ a few days)

Size of Baby:Approximately 16 inches & 3 pounds; the size of a head of cabbage.
Seriously, am I even going to have eyes at full term?  I've never really realized how puffy my face is until I look at pictures!
Maternity Clothes: Oh yes... EXCEPT, the shirt above is regular Gap.  It will probably never be the same! (I also wore yoga pants to work yesterday... They were brand new from Target so - hopefully - looked kind of like dress capris.  They were a dream.  I have 20 more days of school left; and I fully intend to wear them at least 15 more times.)

Gender: My little man.

Movement: All.the.time.  I love his little punches and jabs.  In fact, he's kicking at my computer as I type right now - future blogger?

Sleep: Still OK for the most part.  I am thankful for that, as I've talked to lots of pregnant women recently who can't get ANY sleep.

What I miss:  Carbs.  (Mommy loves you A LOT, Baby Chapman!)

Cravings: Carbs and sweets.  Of course.  *I have a gestational diabetes education class today at 2.  Look for a little update later on.

Symptoms: My feet and ankles are very swollen by afternoon.  Recently, I discovered that I can no longer squeeze them into my tennis shoes; so, I have to wear Keen sandals to go for a walk etc.  I also had my first major leg cramp one night last week - not fun.  And, I've noticed that I am hot ALL the time! My pregnancy magazines say these are all normal.

Words of Wisdom:  Every pregnancy is different.  As much as I LOVE talking to women who have been through or are going through pregnancy, it is important to remind myself of this and not play the "comparison game."

Best Moment(s) This Week:  We had our first birthing class on Thursday night.  It wasn't that incredible; but, it did sort-of mark a milestone to me... We are CLOSE now.  Also, just thinking about all the fun things we will get to do with our little guy NEXT spring.  I can't wait!

What I'm Looking Forward To:  This week we are meeting with someone about childcare AND meeting with a possible pediatrician.  I like that my schedule is full these days with "things to do right before the baby is born."

And last, I have another little birth announcement for you.  Remember our friends Daniel and Katie from Daddy Boot Camp?  Well, they had their little boy on Wednesday, April 27th.  They didn't know the gender or announce any name options until after the birth... So, we were all going crazy with anticipation.

Here's precious Slaton August:

Don't you just love him?  He and Baby C will definitely have some adventures together!  Congrats Daniel & Katie!


  1. My sister is only a week further along than you! We just had her baby shower over the weekend so my mind has been filled with baby-things lately. She also had her first birthing class. Very cool.

  2. you look great! and I am totally jealous that you can still wear something non-maternity. I'm going for a walk now... :)

  3. I'm sorry but I was much bigger at 30 weeks! You look absolutely adorable!
    You don't have much longer and can still fit in regular clothes? Not fair!
    Also, make sure you still wear tennis shoes... buy another pair that you fit in because I was told by a podiatrist that if you wear sandals that will allow your feet to permanently swell and change. Not sure if he was trying to scare me or not but some women swear it's true.


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