Saturday, March 24, 2012

Changing My Name

I'm thinking of changing my name to Kelly or Melody.  I've just always liked those names, ever since Saved by the Bell and Hey Dude actually, and I finally feel like I'm at a place in my life where I'm confident enough to make the change...

JUST KIDDING!  (How funny would that be? Not that I'd judge you if you did it.  Just saying.)

But seriously, I've got some things up my sleeve for this little ole blog here; and I'm having a bit of an "identity crisis" with it in the process.  I feel like maybe I've outgrown "E, Myself, & I". Quite frankly, the title bothers me.  As if blogging in itself isn't narcissisitic enough, that title just screams "I'm obsessed with myself;" and, well, if you've been reading this blog for any time at all (or even just since the last edition of Midweek Confessions) you know that really isn't how I roll.  I mean, I'm confident enough, but I don't take myself that seriously.  In fact, in some ways, not taking myself too seriously has become kind-of my "niche."

Of course changing my blog name presents problems.  For starters, I've been blogging here for almost three years and, while it certainly isn't a mega-blog, I'm afraid I'd lose some of the identity we've built if I change now.  That's not to mention the fact that my website is and my email address is  Changing my blog name would require quite a bit of movement all around - new website, email, logo, design, etc.  I've done a little research on this and, apparently, most blogs lose around 1/3 of their followers with a switch like that.  And, to be honest, I'm not sure I'm willing to take that risk.  (Hmm... maybe I am as vain as my current title implies.)

Then again, I LOVE this little space we've created here.  And I say "we" because it really has become about so much more than just me (myself and I).  I'm going to stick around for a while.  We're going to keep this thing going.  So, should I really just put up with a title I don't like on a space where I'm going to spend so much time and energy? On a space that has grown to really be a reflection of who I am and who I am becoming - a wife, mama, teacher, hot mess

As you can see, it's a bit of a predicament. 

It's a decision I'm not taking lightly.  (There I go, taking myself too seriously again.)

I really want to know what YOU think.  Should I do it?  Should I just admit I have a stupid name and own it?  Be honest because what you think really matters to me.  I know we like to be all "this is your blog, do what you want," but let's think about this for real.  Ok?

Oh, and for the record, I'm not 100% sure what I'd want to re-name my blog; BUT, I'm thinking something like this...

Yes, I clearly have cleaning and work to do and am choosing blog re-design as my procrastination drug of choice. :)

What do you think?


  1. I would follow you to a new blog... especially since you used a "Hey Dude" reference today. :) I always wanted my name to be Melody too

  2. I'm pretty new to your blog but love it so I'd follow you : )

    I also like the new name. (just because I can relate to that!)

  3. I think your current name is so cute and creative and i don't think it sounds narcissistic. I mean, that's what blogs are - they are all about us. BUT I would still follow you if you changed names/locations... maybe ;-)

  4. I'd follow you whatever you choose, but to be honest, I never really thought that hard about your name... I thought it was cute because it rhymed and it never came across narcissistic to me. Like you said, anyone who reads your blog knows that's not what you're about. But I also love your new idea too!

  5. Oh, if you are not happy then I say "go for it." That's what I would do for sure. I think you should definitely like your blog name and it's better to go ahead and do it now. I would imagine that you will loose little to no followers. It's hard to think of just the right name when we start out blogging and it's certainly hard to think that we'll be looking at this name for a long, long time if we continue blogging. Guess it's sort of like naming a child. :o) All the best!

  6. I've actually thought to myself before that your blog name is very cute and clever...didn't ever occur to me that it seemed narcissistic or anything of the sort. Maybe add a new tagline instead?

  7. I like emyselfandi. I would be supportive of a change, but only because I love you ;) haha jk. mmm not sure about the new title you suggested though. I like where you are going with it. But emyselfandi is so catchy! You gotta match the catchyness for sure. I hear ya though on feeling discontent with the name--it really is hard to create an identity that will suit you for all the stages of your life. I agree with beth ann--maybe just a new tag line? Good stuff to think about!

  8. I like emyself&i. :) It has a cute ring to it. And I've never thought you are so into yourself b/c of it. Haha. I like your new idea, too, and it's cute. But it's not as original as "e myself & i". You could keep it like it is, but reword your tag line to reflect the "used to be type a" thing? Just an idea.

  9. I don't think you'll have to worry about losing followers if you do it, though. Seriously! :)

  10. I vote to keep emyselfandi. I started following you from seeing they catchy name on a a friend of mine's "blogs i follow" list. Your name is what enticed me to click on over here... and I've been following you since then (about 6+ months)!

  11. I'd follow you regardless but I remember checking out your blog because I thought the name was so cute. I don't think it implies that you are narcissistic at all, but that's just me.

  12. If it bothers you, change it. One of the reasons I bet you have so many readers is because you're real. If you want your blog to be a representation of you then go for it! (but don't go changing it all the time) :)

  13. You're name does not make or break you. Content is king. You are insane to change the name. 100% waste of time!

  14. like it! By the way, LOVE me some Hey Dude!!!! :)

  15. I personally love your blog title, but would follow you to the moon and back ;)

  16. Girl, you've got a great thing going on. Don't switch things up now. Seriously, your name is so cute and clever.

  17. I like E, Myself, and I. But if you decide to change, then you could just hand-me-down your old name, logo, domain, followers, etc. to ME, since my name starts with E, too! Great idea, huh?! :)

  18. go ahead and try to switch names, i just purchased your proposed domain name so you can't. just stay put.

  19. I have thought about changing the name of my blog lots and lots and of times. Im just not always sure the the title represents me. But, instead I just just changed up my design and made my title work. Maybe its less about a name change and more about a branding re-fresh...

  20. I like the emyselfandi. Very cute and not at all narcissistic. :)

  21. I approve of you changing your name to Melody...we are a rare breed. haha.


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