Friday, March 23, 2012

Winner & Obsessions

First things first...

The winner of the Watching Me Grow give away is... Mrs. C.  (Great name, by the way!)

Somehow my blog stopped showing numbers next to comments... What a pain it was to count to 40! ;)
 Congrats girl! Hope you will make good use of these cute onesies!  (Please email me to claim your prize.)

Thanks to ALL of you who entered... Hopefully, if nothing else, you found a great new go-to spot for baby and shower gifts. :)  AND, if any of you un-luckies (ha!) are still interested in buying a set of monthly onesies, visit the Etsy shop & use code EMYSELFANDI for 10% off.  Happy day!

And now, I'm following my friend Sara's lead over at Saige Wisdom today and posting my current obsessions. (And no, I'm not even going to mention my iPhone, even though we all know I'm obsessed. Haha!)

Here goes:

1. Tulips.  Love them.  They are my birthday flower and my wedding flower.  They are my happy flower.  They are my my-house-might-be-a-total-wreck-but-at-least-I've-got-fresh-flowers flower.
What? Doesn't everyone have a birthday flower? ;)
2. Dr. Pepper Chapstick.  I recently told someone this and they thought it was just hil-arious.  No, I'm not in middle school.  Yes, I like the way it tastes and smells.  BUT, as a bonus, it also gives my lips just the right amount of color without going overboard.  Did I mention it also smells and tastes great?
3. The Hunger Games.  Me and everyone else, right?  I read the book right before Sam was born and loved it. (SO much better than Twilight.) Now I'm planning my whole weekend around how I can go see the movie in theathers. (Is it bad that I'm kind-of glad the weather forcast is rainy?)  P.S. My friend Courtney is an extra in it.  I'm pumped to play "Where's Waldo?" with her in it.
4. Iced Coffee.  I'm sure this comes as a big surprise to you given my love of all things coffee; but recently, it has gone to a whole new level.  As in, I go through the drive-thru at my favorite coffee shop every afternoon to get one of these bad boys.  Joy in a cup right there.

5. eeCards.  They are just so darn funny.  Here are a few of my favorite finds this week:

So... won't you go visit Sara and see what she's obsessing over this week? She even has a fun linky up so you can join in too!

Happy Friday!


  1. Those E Cards are hilarious! I love seeing new ones pop up on Pinterest!

    Have you heard of Rafflecopter? I used it for my last giveaway and it's amazing! Hassle free and it chooses the winner for you!

  2. YAY! I'm so excited to have won! Like, truly, because I NEVER win anything. Thanks for the amazing giveaway. My friend is going to love this set!
    I, too, love tulips, but no matter how short I cut them they tend to flop over.. any ideas why?

    I cannot wait to see The Hunger Games this weekend. My husband and I are trying to go at an odd time on Sunday, because I hate sitting in a crowded, annoying movie theater, but I can't wait any longer than that to see it!
    And, that last Ecard is so true!

  3. those eecards are SO HILARIOUS! You picked the best ones for sure. I laughed out loud. More than once.

  4. love, love, love tulips! I wanted to use them on our big day but was told by the florist "they don't hold up well to wedding abuse"... did they? thanks for linking up! I need to find me some Dr. Pepper lip chap.


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