Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Midweek Confessions

- I'm tired.  Sam is sick.  Jeff has been out of town for the last three nights.  My house is an absolute disaster, and I'm stressed at work. My gracious mother-in-law spent the night last night (I think my husband called and told her I was on the brink of a nervous break down) and, as thankful as I was, I also felt guilty most of the night.  Ugg. Being a mom is hard.  Being a working mom is really hard.  As much as I LOVE being both (well, the working part only about 50% of the time), sometimes I long for 48 hours of doing only what I want and thinking of only myself.  Selfishness at its finest. 

My apologies for the pity party.  It's life, and a pretty darn good one at that; but, if we're really confessing then there you go.  This week isn't one for the scrapbooks. 

Now, on a lighter note...

- I woke up very sore on Sunday morning.  From exercising? Nope.  From yardwork? Nope.  From getting a pedicure and sitting in the massage chair too long?  Why YES!  (I do not lie.)

- Speaking of yards,  we are, truly, the disgrace of the neighborhood - the ones people complain about on their porches in the evening.  I'm embarrassed, but we gave it an honest effort last year (and the two years before that) and well, we just gave up.  I'm thinking a big load of mulch might do the trick this year. *I thought about taking a photo of the disaster-zone, but I just couldn't bring myself to put that mess on the internet.

- I'm going gray.  And not the beautiful sophisticated gray, the wirey gross gray. I know if I was a real grown-up, I'd suck it up and get some color on these locks; but, I'm just too afraid (and would rather have a new shirt every six weeks than a hair appointment). 

- One of my favorite things to do when Jeff is out of town is go eat at a local "salad" bar with Poppy.  (Sad, I know.  I really need to get a life.)  This is the type of glorious salad bar where 1/4 is salad and fixin's, while the other 3/4 includes buttery "vegetables," mashed-potatoes and two types of gravy, rolls, cobbler, and icecream.  I especially like taking Poppy as my date because 1.) he pays, and 2.) he is genuinely proud of me for eating.  He often makes comments like, "Wow, you were really hungry.  I like to see a girl eat like that!"  They just don't make men like they used to, do they? ;)

Ok, your turn!


  1. Being a working mom is hard--I'm with you on wanting 48 hours to do whatever I want!

  2. My mama raised me right and taught me to head to the bottle at the first sign of gray hairs :) I also don't have the budget to get it colored at the salon every 6 weeks, but picking up hair dye from walmart or sally hansen makes it possible! The first time you dye it yourself is nervewracking- Just make sure you have someone else there to check and make sure you have all of your hair covered! Now that I started doing it myself, I don't think I could ever pay anyone else to do it!

  3. So so funny that he makes comments about being glad you ate. I wish my boyfriend would be like "damn you're a good eater. Love it". Instead, he's probably like "Geez, she eats more than me by a longshot"

  4. Is your Poppy available for rent?

  5. I can TOTALLY relate to confession #1---- and you are NOT selfish. I prefer to call it "human". xoxoxo

  6. Being sore from the massage chair is the best kind of sore... For sure!

  7. oh boy can I realate to your first bullet up there!

  8. I can relate. It's really hard to manage both at times. If you add anything extra to the mix it makes it even more hard! I linked up : ) first time!

  9. ohmyword I can totally relate to the yard situation. It's one of my things to tackle in 2012 but I'm too embarassed to take "before" pictures!

  10. oh E - too bad for you you don't live in our neighborhood where we have the yard of horror, and I'm 100% certain it is worse than your yard. And thank you for sharing another good poppy story. it's been a while and jason and I both got a good laugh out of that one.

  11. I was just bemoaning my gray the other day too. I get my hair colored but it seems that now (at age 37) I need to go more frequently - ugh! I'm sorry you are having a rough week. I was talking w/ a friend today about how hard it is to be a working mom. She and I both work full-time and have children. It's a lot to juggle and you feel like you aren't giving anything 100%... Hang in there!!

  12. Hang in there! Being a mom is HARD! I totally know that feeling. Not that me saying that really helps. But, seriously, I know the feeling. You'll notice the title of my post was "It all falls apart"...I meant to share it last week but my internet went down before I I will get better : )

  13. P.S. Next week perhaps I'll share a picture of our front yard. It will make you feel better, I promise : )


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