Monday, April 30, 2012

New Blog Design and April Sponsors

Don't worry... You're in the right place!  How do you like my new look?  Angie from Thirsty Hearts Design and I have been emailing back and forth for weeks until we got this thing looking just right.  I LOVE it.  Seriously, having a new blog design is like getting a new planner or a new journal (only better) - I just feel so "fresh" and "inspired" right now.  Thanks Angie!

And now, some other things I love...
My fabulous April sponsors!

Windows by Melissa is new here this month.  But, you might recognize it from this post where I bragged about winning the perfect curtains for Sam's bedroom and how crazy it was that the seamstress lives right in my neighborhood.  Seriously, so cool!  Anyway, if I won the lottery right now, I'd order custom-made curtains for EVERY room in my house.  I just think they add SO much and make any space look so sophisticated and put together.  Ahh, I dream...  Finding Melissa was one step closer to that dream - haha.  Not only does she make beautiful window treatments and accessories, but she's also super easy to work with AND, get this, affordable.
Melissa's curtains that I won, finally up in Sam's room.  Seriously, perfect!
Classic Flat Roman Shade in a random kitchen (not mine).
Even though she probably won't be able to hand deliver for all of you like she did me ;), ordering from her is still quick and easy on her brand new website You can also find her handiwork in her Etsy shop here, and on her blog right here.  P.S. She's hosting an awesome giveaway on her blog now through Tuesday night.  Hurry!

I'm sure you remember the ADORABLE boy clothes from Room to Romp I introduced last month.  Sandy could probably single-handedly make Sam the best-dressed baby in town.  I LOVE her stuff.  Here are some of my current favorites in her shop:
Retro Monogrammed Tee
(Does it get any better than retro and monogrammed?
Blue Green Romper
Be still my heart. :)
Red Gingham Knee Patch Pants
(Because I'm sure, eventually, he'll have to wear jeans and these seem like an excellent compromise!)
By the way, you'll be seeing more from her later this week in a very special giveaway... Just you wait!  Until then, buy now with coupon code EMIFREESHIP and get free domestic shipping.  Good stuff.

Last but certainly not least, the genius iron-on bowties, ties, and other appliques from Boy Oh Boy.  If you are sick of boring old white onesies, this is the shop for you!  Leanne has SO many great patterns and styles in her shop right now, just perfect for summer.  Here are a few I have my eye on:

And, as if she isn't already affordable enough, Leanne is extending her offer of 10% off with coupon code EMYSELFI thru June 1st.  Go crazy friends!

Ok, that's all for today... Hope your week is off to a good start!

*Yes, these shops are paid sponsors for the month of April. However, I found both shops organically and truly LOVE the products both are selling. I would never feature something I didn't like myself. Promise.

*Email me if you are interested in seeing your pretty little button on my sidebar in May. Rates are low, and I'd love to have you!


  1. I love it!! so fresh and very pretty.

  2. I love your new design!! I recently redesigned mine and it is energizing!!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks girls! I think my "Reply" to comments is working now too. Yay!

  4. Lovely new design, fresh looking! Will have to go and check out the window treatments. Happy week!

  5. If you do a blog envy series this week, just insert yourself. I LOVE the new look, new buttons, everything!


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