Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Midweek Confessions

Here we are again - Wednesday.  I feel like I say this every week; but, I am tired, and behind on... well, lifeEverything.  My "to do" list requires that I not sleep from now until Friday - which is clearly NOT going to happen - and I don't know how I can possibly cut anything.  I'm overwhelmed.  Yes, of course I realize things could be a lot worse, and I know I'm blessed in more ways than I can count.... But still, I'm having a little bit of a pity party for myself today. 

I guess that counts as a confession too.

My confessions are weak; but, I have a cute new banner & button so the show will go on...
- Yesterday was Jeff's birthday, and I did absolutely nothing for him. Not even a card or a homemade meal. Yes, I did remember. He just isn't really into birthdays, and I took full advantage of that fact. Wife fail.

- Speaking of Jeff, we have way too many conversations like this....

Jeff: I could really go for Mexican food tonight.

Me: Me too!!! Let's go out to eat TONIGHT!!!

Jeff: Ok, if you want to.

Me: Sam needs to be fed, and bathed, and in bed by 7:30... It is too much trouble; let's just eat something at home.

Jeff: Ok.

(1 hour later)

Jeff: Why are you acting mad and grumpy?

Me: Because I really wanted to go out to eat.  I had my heart set on it.  (Note: My heart was set on it for all two minutes of the above conversation.)

Jeff: You said you didn't want to go.

Me: I wanted you to know that I really did want to go and insist that we go.

Poor Jeff.

- I have looked at my new blog design at least 500 times per hour.

- I have a closet full of perfectly nice dresses; but still, I really want to buy a new one for the wedding we are attending this weekend.  Jeff will KILL me if I do.  I am seriously considering whether or not this is a cause worth dying for. ;)

Now, grab this bad boy and link up below!

Have a good one and come back tomorrow for a great giveaway from one of my sponsors!


  1. I seriously love your blog more & more everyday. And i have always liked it!

    LOVE the new design.

    I totally get the above conversation - even without a baby! LOL.

  2. I love it too!
    sounds like a conversation in my house!

  3. The button and banner look great. Your blog design has me desperately thinking about a redesign of my own, but I'm just too unfocused and lazy to do it.

    I've had that same conversation in my house. It usually involves an intense pity party on my part. You're not alone.

  4. Love your new button and banner! I'm bummed out that I had my post made last night with your old button. Oh well, there's always next week!!

  5. this convo happens to us way too makes me feel a little better that i'm not the only one!

  6. Oh goodness...I have that same conversation with my husband. Glad to know I'm not the only one!

  7. Buy that new dress. It will make all the difference in the world. I linked up to your midweek confessions. Such a cute idea. Have fun at the wedding.

  8. i laughed out loud at you and your hubby's convo. that is seriously us every other night. why can't they just read our minds?!?!?!

  9. Great confessions. I know what you mean about eating. That's what I miss most from my post-children days...impromptu eating out.


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