Saturday, May 5, 2012

Blog Gems This Week

Well, Blog Gems was a hit last week; so, at leat for now, I'm motivated to keep going.  Here's the second installment of "gems" from around the blogosphere, and my goodness there was a lot to choose from...

"Things I'm Afraid to Tell You" from Creature Comfort. I had to start with this because it is SO good, and it has introduced me to so many other blogs this week.  (Great for my productivitity.) nThis is a little blog-campaign going on right now to encourage bloggers to be real and honest... To tell the things that don't necessarily fit the carefully crafted "image" we portray when we hit publish.  It's good stuff.  (It all started because of this post from Make Under My Life.  It will change the way I blog forever.  No lie.)

"Mama Style: Bang Braid Tutorial" from Nat the Fat Rat.  Being able to braid my bangs is a life goal of mine.  I always think it looks SO good on other people.  This tutorial makes me feel like it might actually work for me one day. :)

"It's All Too Much" from the Nesting Place.  You know I love the Nester.  I don't know how she does it, but she really does live simply and stylishly.  This post really challenged me.  It is about how we have TOO much stuff, how we are less stressed when we have less stuff, but, how we seem to always want more.  Very convicting; and, good to know even the Nester stuggles sometimes. 

"Kid Stuff. Everywhere. Our Take" from Young House Love. Speaking of simplifying (and being heros of mine), Jon and Sherry also tackled organization this week.  This post on organizing kid stuff was great and gave me some good ideas for our growing collection of toys, books, etc. etc.  Worth a peak if it is taking over your house like it is mine.  :)

"Post Baby Body" from The Polluck Potluck.  Ashley is the closest thing I have to a blog/real life friend.  We've never actually met in person, but I seriously feel like we are BFFs.  Her little Luke was born just a few weeks after Sam, and I've loved following her journey into motherhood.  She keeps it real, and I like that.  This post cracked me up, especially point #2 - SO true.

"You Might Want to Turn Your Head" from Momastery.  I'm a little bit obsessed with Glennon and the way she puts things.  I can't specifically relate to the experience she writes about here; but, I know and love lots of women who can.  AND, I can relate to the idea that sometimes it feels like God isn't paying attention to our prayers - until they finally get answered in the most unexpected, but wonderful, way. This is a great post on adoption, prayer, faith, and miracles - even the kind we didn't really ask for.

That's all for now.  I hope you found something above that tickled your fancy!  Don't forget to link to your favorite posts from the week in the comments... I loved reading what you suggested last week.  Seriously good stuff.  Thanks and Happy Weekend!
FYI: We're in Nashville celebrating with two our friends who are tying the knot this weekend.  It's basically a mini high school reunion.  It is also our first overnight trip away from the little man... So far, we're surviving, and he's being completely ruined spoiled.  Updates on Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out! I'm excited to read your other favs today!


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