Sunday, May 6, 2012

Cinco de Sart - Nashville Weekend in Photos

I'm posting this from the back seat of a minivan cruising down I 81... We are on our way home from a fun weekend in Nash-Vegas with good friends and no baby. (For the record Sam slept from 8pm to 7am both nights he was with my parents... Go figure!)

This group of friends is always full of excitement, and from the first text Friday morning telling us that one of them had already been arrested and the groom had a black eye... It did not disappoint! :)

Here are some photos courtesy of my phone and the new app I just downloaded for 99 cents. Enjoy!

Tell me, what would you do if your soon-to-be-husband got a black eye two nights before your wedding?


  1. what a fun weekend!
    and look at you bloggin' in a minivan. go you tech-savy blogging mama you!
    by the way, you look AMAZING. those earrings? a big fat I WANT 'EM in my book.

    1. Girl, earrings... Target for $7.99. Treat yourself. You deserve it. :)

  2. Looks like you had a nice time here in Nashvegas!

  3. What would I do if my husband-to-be got a black eye 2 days before our wedding? Probably give him another one...for the sake of symmetry, of course.

  4. E, i LOVE your dress!! where did you get it?! i miss living near you...i'm always inspired by your fashion choices. :) you look amazing.

    1. Aw thanks girl! The feeling is mutual... Dress is from banana outlet. Hope you are doing well!


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