Monday, May 7, 2012

A Few Things...

Good Monday mornin' to you folks... Try as I might, Monday always seems to come at the end of the weekend.  Uggg.  But, I am happy to be home with my boy and ready to tackle the last MONTH of school - exactly one month from today, I'll be peacing out to enjoy a summer of living the SAHM life.

As I've said 10 thousand times before, this last month at work is going to be VERY busy... So, please bear with me dear friends.  Today, for example, I've just got some random bullet points to share. Hope you don't mind. :)

- We had a great trip away this weekend.  I LOVE seeing my husband with his friends (well, my friends too; but, you know what I mean.) I hope to post more about that soon.  In the meantime, pictures are posted here if you missed them yesterday. 

- If you haven't already entered my Room to Romp giveaway, be sure you do today!  I will announce the winner tomorrow.

- Thank you all so much for your comments/encouragement/advice on my post about having a spirited baby last week.  That is just another reason why I love this community so much. That said, I, IN NO WAY, meant to come across as ungrateful or like I don't absolutely LOVE Sam.  He is a GOOD baby.  He brings joy to my life like nothing else in the world.  Sure, he can be a challenge, but I've never been more thankful for a challenge in my life.  I hope that comes across in the things I share here; but, just in case, I thought I'd say it again. 

- Speaking of that, Sam slept all night for my parents both nights were were gone, and all night for us last night.  I think we might be on to something.  Fingers crossed!

- Is it weird to ask for prayers for my computer?  My poor little machine has a yucky virus and (see above), now is NOT a good time for it.  Uggg.  Life can be so inconvenient.

Ok, that's all for today.  Have a good one!

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