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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Flashback: June 30, 2007

Yesterday was the two year anniversary of marrying my best friend! Believe it or not, this still seems so ridiculous when I think back to our high school years of me stalking him and basically begging him to like me -- Well, look who won out in the end! :)

Honestly though, married life is wonderful -- don't believe all the crappy movies and tv shows. Jeff has made me so much more relaxed and fun, and has taught me so much in our time together. He is a constant picture of Christ to me in the way he knows me (the very ugliest and meanest) and yet, still loves me with so much grace and selflessness.

Thanks to all of you, too, who stood beside us on our wedding day two years ago, and have continued to be wonderful friends and support to us. We love you!

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