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Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I hope all of my "loyal readers" know how much I love you and respect you each for the individual person you are and place you are in. I don't claim to have ANYTHING to offer but a cheap laugh occassionally and a glimpse of my sometimes messy life.

Just to clarify... my intention with my blog is to be silly & real (in the "not putting on a show" sense). I love that it makes people laugh and gives me an opportunity to write -- both of which I really love & don't get to do near enough. I am SO sorry if anything I've written (or my "guest bloggers") seems insensitive. I promise, it is all with a humble and light heart. -E

1 comment:

  1. Oh em gee. People need to calm down and not be so sensitive. You're hilarious and I heart your blog!


Your comments are what makes this thing fun! I LOVE to hear from you and do my best to respond to everyone! THANK YOU!

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