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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Oh Girl, You are a Hot Mess!

Photo from www.abc.com

Was anyone else SHOCKED to see Ali go on The Bachelor last night? At least she went with dignity and beauty. (Note sarcasm.)  Honestly, I consider myself a compassionate and empathetic person... But I was about to LOSE IT if she didn't stop crying and just leave already! It made me think about all the ridiculous times I've cried my eyes out to Jeff and he's had to just put on his sad eyes (like Jake did last night) and let me be a girly mess. Poor Jake.  Poor Jeff.  (P.S. I still think she is going to win... She'll be back!)

Ali-drama aside, did anyone notice that Tenly did not have any ARMS at the "Rose Ceremony?"  Cute dress... But you've got to be careful about those arms disappearing on you - they are always sneaking off!

Vienna's dad's name is VINNY.  I couldn't love anything more than this right now.

And, Gia's mom - oh, bless her heart.  She cracked me up.  I would LOVE to see my mom on this show.  She would literally redecorate the ENTIRE house before we showed up with our crew.  ABC would love her!!

And finally, I'm angry at The Bachelor's producers b/c for weeks now they have led me to believe that someone is PREGNANT (namely Tenley) in their previews etc.  Has anyone else heard these rumors?  I know this is THEIR JOB, but I've had just about all the suspense I can take... I mean, the rose ceremonies are enough!  Ha!

Until next week...


  1. E - I was just talking to my friend about Tenly's lack of arms! And...I'm pretty sure Gia's brother should be the next bachelor ;). The entire show was just an absolute train wreck - especially the trip to Vienna's house. I loved how Vinny kept trying to break up the makeout session. Can't wait until next week!

  2. I found your blog one night a few weeks ago, maybe through Kevin and Amanda (?) Not sure but I love reading it. I'm a teacher too (Special Ed) and also LOVE my yellow lab. I had to pass on some info on the bachelor. If you want to read scoop on the show check out realitysteve.com. He does have spoilers though so if you don't want to know then don't read it. He does have A LOT of gossip on the girls and somehow it has all been true. Just a thought! Love reading your blog! Shannon

  3. I love me some Tenley. Yes, she sounds like Minnie Mouse and doesn't have arms at times, but she's so good and nice and positive. I heart her.
    You know who else loves her? Jake. He also loves every woman on the show. He LOVES them. Did you catch the uber creepy group hug at the end of the rose ceremony where he kissed them all on the head? Ew. This Bachelor is so "Big Love." He will be proposing to all three girls. I feel sure of it.

  4. Just came across your blog. I love your bachelor reviews. They are right on with the way that I felt after Monday's episode. I am also a high school teacher and I teach at my alma mater.

  5. Ok - So I dont watch the bachelor but at first glance I want you to know that I thought the girl in your picture above with the green dress had no arms! Then realized they were behind her back but it did make me laugh out loud anyways!

  6. Hi, I'm a new follower! I got to read some of your posts and they made me laugh because we have a lot in common..a lot meaning: being married to high school sweetheart, addicted to Diet Dr. Pepper, baby obsessed, SAHM dreamer (I read all your baby posts and the daydream about cooking while the baby naps and preschool story time- totally me, so funny and of course the fb grass is greener NEED to have a baby world!) and the blog celebrities! I just started talking to some of mine- it was a huge deal around here haha So anyways not really A LOT, but enough =)

    Also, the ABC producers are definitely doing their job in tricking us and making us think Tenley is pregnant, they discreetly added this outtake video on hulu a couple weeks ago...


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