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Monday, October 5, 2009

Fat Monday!

Well folks, today is the 22nd day! I'll admit, I "broke the fast" last night at dinner with a delicious Marshall Chapman filet mignon. Pretty wonderful! This morning, I WAS tempted to start my day with a full fat Hardee's biscuit, but I overslept... so it's decaf coffee and air instead. :) Probably for the best.

In reflection of the 21 Day Challenge:

1.) It probably did more for my blog readership than my body. Oh well, what was I expecting? To look like Nicole Richie in three short weeks? (I still haven't weighed because my brother-in-law stole our scale... Yes, that is a weird thing to have stolen. But, I'm fairly certain that weight loss was very minimal.)

2.) I wish I could say that I stuck to this detox PERFECTLY, however, this blog is about being honest. The first two weeks I was religious about the plan. The last week was slightly more "flexible." Either way - I made some MAJOR changes. The biggest thing I realized was how many BAD choices I would normally make in a week, or even a day. This made me very aware of my eating habits... and slightly grossed out.

3.) I have broken my addiction to caffeine and aspartame and actually DO feel like I have more energy and generally feel better right now. This is the one thing from Skinny Bitch I plan to continue strictly, hopefully for the rest of my life.

4.) I could go without meat - I think - I could not go without cheese. *I didn't expect this, but I could literally swim in a pool of cheese right now and LOVE it.

5.) It honestly does feel better to care for my body and be in control of what I'm eating. I don't want to be a freakish girl that has to take her own food everywhere she goes.... but I do want to be strong and healthy. I haven't figured out the details yet -- I mean, I DO deserve at least one fat day, right? - but I definitely plan to make some real changes in my eating habits permanently.

I'll keep you updated.

6.) Finally, I couldn't have done it without you guys! There were SO many times that I was tempted to cheat and then a loyal blog reader would pop up and ask me a question about the challenge. At times it was a little creepy realizing how many people were following this quest, but VERY encouraging. Thanks guys! I wish I had some awesome results to share with you... but really, I'm still just the same, only 21 days more frustrated. You'll be the first to know if I ever discover the secret to real dieting success.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! You did it!! I think I kicked my diet soda habit, but I still like my one cup of coffee in the morning and for some reason I've been having trouble totally giving up sugar-free gum (with aspartame...) but I'm so proud of you-- 21 days straight is tough!

    I agree with you on the meat thing (obviously). This no-dairy thing I've been trying makes me sad though... I miss my cheese, too.


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