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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Remembering the Water: Getting Real

I try to keep things pretty light on this blog; mainly because whenever I get too serious my mom and sister blow up my cell phone thinking I'm depressed or going crazy... But, when I ran across a new blog last night hosting a link-up called "Getting Real" sharing stories of encouragement to help people get through their "wilderness" periods... I decided to join in.

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The term "wilderness" is kind-of Biblical lingo to refer to a "dry spell" in our lives.  It is in reference to the time the Israelites spent wandering the wilderness and waiting for the land of "milk and honey" that God had promised them in Exodus.  They trusted God (through Moses), but they also grew tired, and weak, and impatient.  Quite literally, they were THIRSTY, but had to wait for God's timing and His provision.

To be honest, my life has been pretty darn close to "milk and honey." I would never try to tell someone that I've "had it hard."  BUT, right now, I am in a form of wilderness.  In the last month alone, Jeff has quit his job, my Granny's health has taken a turn for the worse and hospice has been called,   and - Monday night - my aunt died very unexpectedly.  When it rains it pours, you know?  I feel like I am in place where the Lord is telling my heart to just... WAIT.  Wait for the right opportunity for Jeff, wait to see where He will take us, wait for the right timing to have a baby, wait for answers, wait for healing, etc. etc. etc.  I hate that word: WAIT. It seems so unproductive, so out of my control.  But, yet, He says it, loud and clear...

And so, I wait.  And, as the blog reminded me last night, I remember other times of wilderness when God has faithfully brought me OUT to encourage me...  I remember how He has provided in the past, and will provide again.  How His timing really IS PERFECT...

Check out my next post to hear my little story of encouragement & God's faithfulness.  (It's just way too long to put it all in one post... Sorry!)


  1. i am so sorry to hear about your aunt & your granny. will pray for you & your family. i am also having to wait on some things...maybe the baby thing. it's tough! but i know that God has perfect timing & that it will all work out in the end, just how it was meant to. hope you have a good weekend!


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