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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

All American Bank Robbers

(Is it possible that the US government is going to track me down because of this title? Let's hope not... although it would be good for blog stats.)

I feel like there is so much to catch up on; but, I'll start with Halloween 2009. Jeff and I dressed as the famous 1920s criminal duo - Bonnie & Clyde. Here we are below.

Didn't we do well?

This was the first time we've gotten to dress up for an actual Halloween party since college. We really got into it -- I even made Jeff watch the trailer for the Bonnie & Clyde movie so that we would be "inspired." Luckily, we did nothing illegal that night. :)

The party was on Friday, and by Saturday we were too worn out to go all out again. So on the actual holiday, Jeff and I simply called ourselves an "old married couple" (i.e. we didn't dress up) and handed out candy to the kiddos in the neighborhood. We probably had over 100 trick-or-treaters and ran out of candy towards the end of the night. Jeff wanted to just turn out the lights and hide, but I took to handing out granola bars and sodas instead --- yes folks, we were "those people" that gave your kids stuff from our pantry. Oops.

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