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Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Table Competition 2010

Finally!  (Sorry this is so late, I made an agreement with myself not to do any blogging until AFTER all my paper grading was caught up.  That still hasn't happened... But - thanks mostly to my amazing husband - I'm closer, so I'm posting.)

I didn't have many entries... But, I still think I got some great photos of some beautiful (& festive) tables.

Please take a minute to vote for your favorite.  I will announce the winner (based entirely on your votes) of $50.00 to CSN Stores on Wednesday!

Table #1

Table #2

Table #3

Table #4

{{{Poll has been removed because the contest is over, AND, it was making my blog have a hideous brown background.}}}

Thanks friends!


  1. i set my table and took pictures but forgot to email them to you before saturday night. i remembered sunday morning!

    can you do this again for christmas or new years?

  2. it won't let me vote! But I pick #3!

  3. same problem! it won't let me vote but I pick #3 :)


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