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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Jeff!

My family celebrates birthday MONTHS.  (My sister's is next Sunday, and she has literally been planning it since mine at the end of March.)  Jeff's family didn't really know each others' birthdays until I came into the fam and started making a big deal about them (this might be a slight exaggeration, but  his brother really did think he was a whole year younger than he really was until I reminded him of his actual age at his last birthday).
Anyway, today is Jeff's 27th birthday!  It might not be a big deal to him, but I'm thankful for a day to celebrate him and all that he means to me and so many other people.  He truly is a man of patience, perseverance,  faith, integrity, gentleness, kindness, and strength.  (I could go on and on and on.) I am really the luckiest girl in the world to have snagged such a wonderful guy so early in my life.  (This is the tenth birthday year we've celebrated together!) 

After church, I had planned a simple picnic in the park for us; but, it rained. So, we ate lunch on the floor of our sunroom, did some work on the nursery, and now we are watching a movie and drinking decaf coffee.  It seems he is rubbing off on me more than I'm rubbing off on him! :)

I don't have any pictures or anything from our day; but I love this one because it shows Jeff so "in his element." I can't wait for him to have a little boy to share his love of the outdoors with.
I love you Jeff!  Happy Birthday!


  1. Happy (belated) Birthday to Jeff! It sounds like you had a most lovely day together, and I have no doubt that he feels just as lucky to have you by his side :)

  2. sending birthday wishes your way! just think, the next time you both have birthdays roll around you'll have a little man to help you celebrate!

  3. Happy birthday to Jeff!!
    Sounds like you had a wonderful time together!


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