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Monday, January 4, 2010

"Delays and Closings"

I realize that most people in "grown-up" jobs don't get two weeks off in a row EVER, so I shouldn't complain.  But honestly, as I prepared to go back to school last night, I was really dead set on a two-hour delay for COLD WEATHER this morning.  I mean really, where do I think I live? Antarctica?

Before bed, I made sure to lay out my clothes for the morning and pack my lunch, because it is bad luck to "plan" on a delay or closing.  But, deep down, I was counting on yet another morning to sleep in and drink coffee by the fire with Jeff & Addy.  So much so, that I hardly slept a wink waiting for the my phone to beep with the "magical" automated message from the school system.  I even woke up at 4:00AM to crawl downstairs and check the school website JUST IN CASE my cell phone wasn't working. What is wrong with me?

All the world really should run like a school system, if you ask me.  I remember the first year both Jeff and I had "real" jobs and it snowed.  My school, of course, was closed, so Jeff just assumed his office would be too.  Afterall, who thinks about digital floor mats when it is icy outside?! Anyway, around noon, as we sat in our pjs watching a movie, his boss called to make sure he was ok because everyone else was at work, on time.  Oops.  The work force is boring and unfun...

In case you are wondering, we did not have a delay today.  I was drudging in to school with all my bags and graded papers with the sun this morning.  The building was FREEZING.  And, the kids were wild.  I guess I wasn't the only one who wasn't ready for today's reality check.

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