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Monday, August 23, 2010

Back to School Special: The First Day

Ahh, the first day.  Remember those?

This morning, as I was driving to work to meet my students for the next ten months, I saw several anxious kids holding their lunch boxes and smiling for mom and dad to take a picture of them at the bus stop on the first day of school.  (Side Note: My first day of school in SIXTH grade, my dad stood at the bus stop with me, and then proceeded to GET ON the bus to introduce himself to the driver.  It took me YEARS to get over the embarrassment of this.  Parents, please don't do this.  We - teachers, bus drivers, etc. - KNOW you are involved and love your kids. Promise.)

Lucky for you, the first day of school photo lives on at my house, even though I'm the teacher now... I know it's a little weird, but in a few months when I'm exhausted and pale and grey-haired, I'll need to remember the energy of the first morning.

So, here I am - First Day of School 2010:

My first year teaching, I wore a hideous khaki skirt and blouse to look "professional" and not like a student.  This year - at orientation - one of my new students said to me: "You're kind-of pretty, for a teacher."  I wasn't really sure how to take this... err.... compliment?  But, clearly, I've reached the point in my career where I need a cute dress to make me look young and fun again!  "For a teacher" - really?!?!  Haha!  (Seriously though, I'm always amazed at how good we look as a staff on the first day... The men are in ties.  ALL the women are in dresses.  You'd think we worked in a corporate office or something.  By Thursday, we'll be wearing capris and cotton t-shirts again!)

All in all, the first day went well.  I'm absolutely exhausted today... I'd forgotten how hard it is to work/ talk/ be on my feet ALL day.  Literally, I had to come home and nap before I could even speak to Jeff.  Hopefully, it won't take me too long to snap back into a routine --- which I love, by the way!  There's an excitement about the beginning of a new school year that I wish lasted all the time... Plus, this girl loves her some schedule!

To all you parents, teachers, and kiddos out there --- Here's to a great school year!!!

(Come back tomorrow to see pictures of my classroom!)


  1. This is a popular dress for teachers I guess!! You are the 2nd teacher I've seen wear this on their first day of school. My son's teacher had on the SAME dress....how crazy is that??? VERY cute and GREAT choice!!!!

  2. So cute! I just got into the education program at my school and I start my first placement next monday! So nervous!!!!

  3. Such a cute outfit! I love the comment the kid made. Kids say such the cutest and most innocent things, so endearing!! Good luck this year!! xx

  4. Love your outfit! Love the comment from the little kid! We had our first day back with kiddos today as well! I hope the rest of your week goes well! Good luck this year!

  5. love the dress! is it from the LOFT?

  6. Good. Im really glad you got that dress. Ive been wanting to buy it, so I will be borrowing it. Love you.

  7. Aww, you're pretty by any standard! It's adorable that you take a "first day" pic every year. :-)

  8. Our first day was yesterday and I wore a cute dress/leggings. Today, I am back to jeans and a v-neck (our teachers can be much more casual than public schools)...it didn't take long!! Good luck this year!


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