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Monday, June 6, 2011

34 Weeks... Almost There and Officially Huge

My title pretty much says it all... Haha!

Here's THE BELLY (and the rest of me) at 34 weeks pregnant...

Someone said to me today (not long after this picture was taken), "Whoa, you look REALLY pregnant today."  My response?  "I AM REALLY pregnant."  At least my hair is getting long... That's all I can really say about my appearance. :)

And a little update...

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 34 Weeks (+ a few days)

Size of Baby: About 4 3/4 pounds & 18 inches long.  The size of a cantaloupe.

Maternity Clothes: Yes, and I am oh so tired of them.  I have, however, made a few maxi-dress purchases recently that I'm hoping will be cool and comfy AFTER baby too. 

Gender: My little man.

Movement: Still kickin', and he loves to jut little body parts out at me.  I will miss this when it's all said and done.

Sleep: Not bad... Still like to get as much of it as possible.

What I miss: My girlfriends... I wish they were here all the time to sit around and hold babies and drink coffee together.  Also, my wedding rings and being able to get up from a chair and the bed without grunting.

Cravings: Iced coffee (decaf with sugar-free creamer... of course).

Symptoms: I am swollen EVERYWHERE and HOT all the time.  (Seriously, my students are bringing blankets in for their exams because my room is so cold.)

Words of Wisdom: A quote from a little game we played at my shower on Saturday: "Q: What should I do when the baby keeps peeing everywhere?  A: First, clean up the baby & then comfort Jeff."  Too funny!

Best Moment(s) This Week: My shower and time with good friends, seeing the nursery packed with baby things and ALMOST completely done, saying goodbye to the school year!  WOOHOO!

What I'm Looking Forward To: Having some time to myself next week for resting and nesting. And, MEETING MY LITTLE GUY!!!


  1. You look great, very cute top!

    Here's hoping the next 6 weeks go quick!

  2. I was going to post the same comment as Kristen...love the top (might look cute with some leggings this Fall!) and you look great - you're glowing : )

  3. I know it doesn't seem this way to you, BUT...I feel like time has flown by and can't believe he's almost here :) So excited for you two, and can't wait to "meet" him!


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