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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I Confess...

- i stole this blog idea from katie because i feel guilty about not blogging in a few days, but it is literally all i can pound out

- like her, i have a hundred posts i want to write, but no time or energy to write them

- i am writing in all lowercase using the old hunt and peck method with one hand so i can hold my teary-eyed boy

- i'm pretty sure that teary-eyed boy just pooped, but i am going to finish this stellar post while he is quiet before i change him

- i am having company for dinner tonight, but i haven't even unpacked the groceries i got this morning -  it is 4:30

- i let my baby cry so i could take a shower today because it had been entirely too long

- i am about to run the same load through the washing machine for the third time because i keep letting it sit until it smells mildewy.

- i don't take enough pictures of sam, and i feel guilty about that

- i secretly like pumping because i get to read blogs

- i worry that i might be too real sometimes on my blog and forget to tell about the days when sam is happy and i am productive and all is right in the world like yesterday and monday

- i feel the urge to eat everything unhealthy in the world tonight because tomorrow starts my "diet" - i am dreading it

- i am pretty certain now that sam did, in fact, poop - i will change him now... and then probably put my groceries away ;)


  1. hehe...and I have done confessions posts before too, but I was also inspired by another blogger today, too! ha. ;)

  2. I think this might be one of my favorite posts you have ever done...is that bad? Darlin, being real is what gets you read. It's what gets people to come back. And I am glad you wrote it like it is, super refreshing. I hope you have a good rest of your evening and you got those groceries unpacked...Happy Wednesday, doll.

  3. I just ate three helpings of dinner and a HUGE piece of cake because my "operation body after baby" starts tomorrow too! good luck! :)

  4. Reading your post reminded me that I had a load in the washer that needed to be moved to the dryer! THANKS! :)

  5. Love this!!! Makes me want to write a similar post ;-)

  6. I could have wrote this post! I HATE when I forget to get the laundry out of the machine and it stinks!

  7. I wish you good luck with your diet! ;)

    One of the best!!


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